It was an honor and a privilege serving with you on the Odan-Urr summit A'lora. I shamelessly stole a lot of your methods and systems when I came over to Arcona as an AED. I have no doubt Odan-Urr is in good hands and the future is bright.
Thanks for putting up with and guiding a young, upstart BTL ;)
Grats Alora!
Wahoo A'lora! Congrats!
Nice, A'lora! Congratulations!
Congratulations, A'lora! I look forward to seeing COU go from strength to strength.
Much deserved congrats A'lora!
Congrats again A'lora!
Grats, A'lora!
Really? Cuz the main page says Tarentum Consul... :P
Just blame the panda like everyone else, Tarax ;)
Congrats Moro!
I had a feeling.
Congratulations, A`lora!
Congrats A'lora, good luck with your new position!
Congratulations, A'lora
It was an honor and a privilege serving with you on the Odan-Urr summit A'lora. I shamelessly stole a lot of your methods and systems when I came over to Arcona as an AED. I have no doubt Odan-Urr is in good hands and the future is bright.
Thanks for putting up with and guiding a young, upstart BTL ;)
Congratulations, A'lora!
Congrats A'lora!
Congratulations, A'lora, I cannot think of anyone better suited to guide us forward :)
I'll take "First!" as a catchphrase.
Thanks, everyone!
Congrats, A'lora!
Congratulations master Yoda, err, A'lora
Grats Alora, good luck