Greetings fellow DBers and Gamers! The FIST Staff would like to remind you of a few competitions we have running just for you that we know you’ll enjoy. Take a look at the following brief descriptions and then we even included a couple Throwback Thursday pictures for you to get nostalgic over.
Injustice: Gods Among Us is an excellent game made by the company that brought us Mortal Kombat, but using a lineup straight from DC Comics. Why wait for 2015 when you can play Batman vs. Superman right now?
For this event you will face any and all members of the Brotherhood in any 1v1 match. For each match you must take a picture of the screen details listing the experience earned, which will show who won/lost and each players' names. Winners will be decided using the Vendetta scoring format of Wins * (Wins/Matches Played). To find opponents you may use IRC or the Gaming Forums thread .
This game is available for PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Wii U, and Microsoft Windows PC. The mobile platform will not be accepted for this competition. Since it is not supported in the Rites of Combat all participants will be awarded 5 Cluters of Fire. So far there is only 1 entry and this leaves third level crescents available to those who participate!
Star Wars: The Old Republic has evolved into an actually fun game and the only newer Star Wars game we've really had. Nothing can be more fun than running a flashpoint with other people from the DB (unless you pull an Ernordeth and your computer has you run into a group of enemies while everyone is waiting for Oberst to tell us the strategy over TeamSpeak) and this month Stu has challenged you with this competition.
The aim this month is to complete as many flashpoints with other members of the DB as possible. Each flashpoint must be submitted under this competition to count. The one who completed the most at the end of the month will win. Standard and Hard mode flashpoints from both Republic and Empire sides are allowed.
With 15 gaming activities currently submitted it's still anyone's game. Make sure to participate and gain clusters of fire, as usual, but also third level crescents!
The Mighty Hunter is the second TOR competition brought to you from Valkish. The goal this time is to hunt down and kill as many world bosses as you can. Standard Cluster of Fire awardings apply if with a DB member, but the competition does not require you to be with one. Don't forget your screenshots! There are currently 3 entries, so go participate and earn some third level crescents !
Don’t you remember your first time playing as Kyle Katarn in Star Wars Dark Forces?
I’m pretty sure all of you Veterans of the Brotherhood just got happy and sad all at once. Just remember the good, old days of playing X-Wing Alliance.
From the FIST Staff we wanted you to know we love you all. No matter what your plans are tomorrow we are always here for you and always bringing you everything fun in gaming world. Enjoy your weekend and have fun participating in our competitions!
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Yay! All stuff I don't play. :|