Dark Council Vacancy: Fist


Dark Council Vacancy: Fist

Greetings Everyone,

Cethgus has decided to resign from the position of Fist. This has resulted in my quick news post to announce the vacancy and to prepare everyone from a Mav news post later today updating our expectation for candidates for the position of Fist.

I will provide one key aspect for those of you who want to begin writing your resume.

The Dark Council is a collaborative environment. We socialize nearly every decision we make via email and telegram. The Voice engages the Herald who engages the SCL and on and on. We work together due to the extremely complicated amount of systems in our club that are interlinked. Applicants for the position of Fist will require the ability to communicate and work in a collaborative team. Being a great gamer is awesome, but it is not the main quality I will be looking for.

Look for Mav's post shortly and please take the time to thank Stu for his work.


Thanks for the work you did, Cethgus! Good luck to applicants!

Thanks for all the work, Cethgus. DC positions seem like they much have a way of taking over your life, but that hard work pays off for so many members of this club. Even those of us who don't get to game very much appreciate it.

Good luck to everyone on your applications!

Thank you for your work Stu. Good luck to all applicants!

Thank you for your hard work, Ceth. It was nice to be under your reign.

Thank you for serving the DJB, Cethgus. I hope that things go well for you.

Thank you Stu. I hope that your future continues to be as bright as that you helped craft for the Brotherhood in gaming.

Thanks for the good work Stu, I don't know why did you leave your office but I hope that whatever it is you'll be well.

Thanks Stu! For everything!

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