Greetings Brotherhood,
The first of several fiction updates to set the tone of the Brotherhood ahead of the next Great Jedi War has been appropriately reviewed, and ready to be shared with all of you. I hope that you all enjoy it.
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Well that was an interesting read. Dark side users, as a general rule, don't kill off your members. Not only do you reduce your army, but you also incite riots, and rebellions and wars...maybe with this upcoming GJW, they'll learn. :P (Of course if they did, we wouldn't have any more GJWs for me to participate in.)
Look at all that mermurder!!!
Great fiction, thinning the herd of oposition, well played
Ha! You used Frak in the fiction. I guess I can finally use that in fiction now and NOT be marked off for it. Nice fiction, but all of that "Undesirables" talk is kinda, mean (for lack of a better word). It kinda felt like a big FU to anyone who was ever anything other than a Sith previously. And in a fictional sense, all those who were Krath and Obelisk until this recent change, they would have to be killed off too. Or at the very least confronted by force and made to abandoned their old ways or something of that nature. You couldnt kill the leaders of both orders and leave powerful underlings alive uncontested. How would you rectify that?
"Oh yes, you have a history with another tradition? that's no problem... here just pop into my oven" - The Dark Council is now ensuring that if you aren't of the "superior" race you will be destroyed... Wally you may want to keep an eye out going forward :P
Heil Pravus--
I mean, wait what?
So, I love everyone, but fictionally, I hate all of you. Welcome to the DJB. We just killed the aliens, the krath, the obbie, and every other non-canon part of our club. I'm sorry you don't like it, but get on board. The train is moving. Choo Choo. Welcome to the DJB!
haha. that is a joke. We love you all. but yeah, i'm killing you. yay!
You are a closet lightie :P
In actuality, what we mean is this. Our Club has reduced 900 new join members per year since I was GM in 2007. Those new joins were designed as a part of the new club, or the "Revenge of the Sith Era Club." This new era is very much aligned against the DJB of not this year, but a few years down the road. We aren't talking about the Krath (they don't exist, until they do. I don't care if we had a Krath GM or not :p), we aren't talking about the Obbie. We are talking about the areas of the club that are very familiar to members joining our club in the next few years. Not the last few years, the next few years. I'm sorry if you are fictionally upset about your 1.0 character from 2001 or whatever, this club is driving forward. A kid in 2015 doesn't even know who Grand Admiral Thrawn is....we aren't making the club in an image to bring in Gaming: Tie Fighter Club. We want the Uprising Club, we want the new TOR club. We want EPVII club. Don't get stuck in the past. Its not where we are going. :p
That makes sense, Sarin.
I'm excited for what this fiction means going forward. I think that the fiction, while raw, reminds us that at our core, we are supposed to be a Dark Jedi Brotherhood, lead by a Sith (Pravus) who is working to move us forward (fictionally). There is something cold and efficient about the Dark Council (key word, "Dark") executing the potential resistance to the DB's version of the "New Order." It fits, I think, really well.
I know that there is also more to come. I'm sure we're going to see an explanation to the "Krath/Obelisk" legacies as they live on in "philosophy" under our "Adherent" tags. In order for change to happen (fictionally) though, you need to purge the old (hence killing of the Obelisk High Commander and the Krathy Whatever Lord) to pave the way for the new!
Here's to moving forward :).
While i am sad to see the old orders go it is neccesary. Even without the new movies and the reboot of what is now not cannon we would still need this fiction to explain what happened to the other orders we had after removing them as an option for our characters and redoing all our lore is quite frankly not an option. Well done sirs well done.
Generally a good fiction, although I felt it's a little vague as to where it's going, (why murder a bunch of students?) so I hope that is well-explained in the next fiction and there is clear continuity between the two.
Also, I hate how NPC Krath in DJB fiction seem to be written as scholarly buffoons who can't fight. Some of the most brutal warriors in the DJB are Krath, or were, when Krath was a thing, and I don't think any of us write our characters like this. The very idea that the Krath Order would leave the gathering of their leader and his disciples unguarded is silly. I guess this isn't something I'll have to watch out for in the future, but I truly hope that the Grey Jedi Order doesn't pick this up, being the new Order with "mystical" rank names, or that any others end up written this way.
It's okay, though. I'm going to assume that, being Krath, we wouldn't really listen to that guy anyway, and we'll do that other thing we're known for: pull strings from the shadows!
I have to admit I have some idea of what is going on. I am a little less than thrilled with the exact sequence of events- maybe I will be more pleased as things draw together with coming fiction- but it does bring about a sense of foreboding. And a realization that my current character may not survive the conflict to come. But who knows. I am glad to see that we are handling the re-tooling of our club without doing a JJ Abrams style reboot though.
The Grand Master is posting a fiction in a few days.....but heading forward....same stuff.
@Locke - The Krath had no reason to expect Brotherhood forces loyal to the Grand Master that had access to Antei after the Rite would attack them in force. As far as the specific combat - we saw in the last GJW that Nix killed the Krath High Priest at the time, so this new one, recently promoted out of the ranks of the Krath Order had their command of the Force fall short against a surprise attack by a Dark Prophet assassin at close range. I agree with you also, that every single Krath in existence probably wasn't at the temple, listening to a call to arms rally by a recently appointed new Krath High Priest, but given what happened, I don't expect the Krath will be having any new gatherings anytime soon. So yeah... shadows makes perfect sense, as far as an "Adherent" and - won't come up much if ever fictionally though your character can still associate as much as you want. Also, Gray Jedi Order are basically Jedi who are not bound to the strict doctrine of either Sith, or Jedi, and are further defined by which Path they follow - it is in no way a replacement for Krath just because the rank names are mystical.
I feel like the Brotherhood is racist against aliens.
Down with the Humans!
I really loved the fiction! was an amazing reminder that this isn't just another Force cult but rather a collection of Dark and very much evil aligned people. The systematic and organized culling of the "Old Guard" was just the right shade of grim, dark and foreboding and I for one am really thrilled to see how this all plays out!
I just have one pet peeve, and that is the battle between the Assassin and the Krath. Why is it that people always think that Sorcerer = Force Lighting...
Do we REALLY want the TOR club? :P
Yeesh, If I wasn't a diehard Lightie before... :P
In all seriousness, good fiction. Nice to see our evils are actually evil, and I look forward to opposing them heartily in the coming War. :)
Well.... that explains why all those races are Grandfathered in... you did a mass genocide of them.
"Also, I hate how NPC Krath in DJB fiction seem to be written as scholarly buffoons who can't fight." ^This. Alogn with the fact that the Krath displayed none of their powers within the fiction. Illusions, Terror, Precognition, Sense. For fiction mechanics things don't always have to be displayed as if they are a piece of cake to make the fiction good, ye know.
@Locke - The Krath had no reason to expect Brotherhood forces loyal to the Grand Master that had access to Antei after the Rite would attack them in force ^ As a Dark Sider I EXPECT treason from EVERY side. And even more so as a Krath. And: There exists no Farsight. There exists no Farsight. There exists no Farsight. There exists no Farsight.
The news post is HTML-wise broken. You can't click on the last link, since the DIV of comments is covering it: You gave it a padding-top 100 and a margin-top -100. So the layer sits OVER your link and you can't click it (at least in chrome).
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"Undesirables", is it? I'm now picturing the Grand Master like this:
Locke, the students were killed because they hadn't picked canon species in case you hadn't noticed. :P
That being said, Sarin mentions that we want the new TOR club, how does that work with just killing off students who are from two of the playable species in that game? :P
It's not wrong per se to line up the fiction with DJB decisions, though the genocide of Undesirables does seem a bit... well, stupid, of the DC. For all we know one of those aliens killed might have been the next Darth Sidious.
That said, so long as members aren't made to change characters - and I know they won't be, our Dark Council already promised that with grandfathering - it all becomes story flavor. The Clans have to decide for themselves where they fall on issues of morality, and the DC's members have their own political games to play, within and without. Nurtured properly? There's real potential to rejuvenate the DJB's storytelling from the top down.
Just makes me cringe inside to see genocide, is all. Even in fiction. Guess I'm a big softie like that. :P
Just seems...strange. I can understand the whole, "The history we have been told is a lie." But how are we going to transfer ourselves from a single universe to another single universe? The mere fact that the other universe had to be killed off shows that it still persists on our timeline. It also seems weird that merely labeling them undesirables and then killing them off might not gel entirely with future recruits to this organization. They might be wondering why we killed off all these different random species and organizations, and why this event was viewed as important in terms of in character reasons.
Don't take this as criticizing change. I for one am very happy to see the DJB catch up with the changing Star Wars atmosphere and it will definitely gain some new recruits (although I think a lot of it had to do with some of the greater EU rather than purely RotS). I just don't know how it will be possible to swap universes unless time travel or space phenomena (such as The Shroud) are utilized in some weird way. Maybe the strangeness of the Unknown Regions will bring forth something. I'm looking forward to seeing more of the future of of history (Forward to the Past).
It was an interesting read. So much killing! (Takes out a holo recorder. Can I film this? JK, I'm not that evil...not yet anyway.) I am excited though for the upcoming war and happy to see what future lies ahead for the DJB with the new paths in place.
All I have to say is... #buglivesmatter #kittiesarecool #MiralukaCanSeeKinda
Freedom for Geonosis! End the Endor Holocaust!
Goat: all I could think about with the undesireable talk was harry potter as well :P
I personally like the TOR species Malik. It also happened by DJB timeline over 3,500 years I really don't see how for example Sith Purebloods would be hanging around... but it's worth a discussion about members who have a familiarity with their characters there, and ability to carry that familiarity over to the DJB.
I literally cannot count the number of times I've disagreed with Sarin as GM (first time around), Jac when he was GM, and now Sarin again. If I were to describe each disagreement, it would probably look like I simply disagree in principle just because someone is in charge.
That being , I wholeheartedly agree with this. The reality is, they are laying a foundation for the Brotherhood in the present era. And, they did it in such an evil, visceral way that it was fun. Different, for sure, but that's part of the fun.
It has been said very clearly, and even exhibited, that our leadership takes membership desires into account when it represents a large portion; not simply the few most vocal cats around. And, if you look at who's talking, and what already is exhibited in canon, there's very little to be hopping mad over. There's cool options that will fit everyone. Even myself. I represent one of those with a grandfathered species, but one totally created of my own and Archangel's imagination. And I find myself wanting to peruse and research to find evidence that one of the "near-canon species" actually is canon.
I've always been a proponent of members right, and standing up for the little guys. But in this era, in this matter, I'm going to say that Pravus and Mav are right for eradicating species and concepts, and have been rathee benevolent in how they've kept things like Traditions for Krath, Obelisk and the like.
They're doing what's best for the Club, and are allowing us some cool options to fill our desire for some EU concepts.
How I feel right now:![popcorn](
Raiju approves this fiction. Let's get some more genocidal, scheming darkies in here so my character can have a new cause to fit against.
Excellent piece, Evant.
Sildrin hit the nail on the head.
Fortunately, Krath characters are way smarter than Krath NPCs.
I just assumed the Grey Order might inherit the sorcerer cliche because of the mystical ranks, but that was mostly a joke.
And now I get the fictional killing of students of unofficial species. Wow, harsh.
So if you're killing off the members of the Krath and Obelisk Order, what are you going to do about the Guardian, Consular and Sentinel Orders?
I'd imagine they'd be killed off too, makes no sense for that not to happen since they're gone too in terms of orders. The introduction of the Gray/Dark Jedi orders should be interesting though.
These changes kinda make me wanna un-die and come back to the looks exciting. :)
interesting read. some a little out of place in the dialogue, but interesting none the less
Consulars, Sentinels, and Guardians were all Jedi in the first place. Now we still all are, just like how everyone's Obbie or Krath character gets to keep their Tradition. Not like we had big Guardian training centers or Consular libraries in the first place.
We barely used the Orders before, now we don't have to use them at all. I'm okay with that.