DJBTOR Closing


DJBTOR Closing

Hey everyone,

A couple of years ago we purchased the domain name and bought Enjin services to support it. The waning popularity of TOR has led to the websites decline and it has very little traffic.

The double super secret society known as the Star Chamber recently discussed the merits of this website and we have determined to focus funds elsewhere. As such, the domain was not renewed and we will not be paying for continued Enjin services.

I'd expect to see the website vanish within the month.

  • Sarin

You broke the first rule of Star Chamber. Off with his head!

For a second I thought you were literally closing TOR down for some reason.

Yeah, Mirus, we called in and told BioWare and them all to close it down cause there are zero mention of buffalo or Kyataru.

:C unacceptable, boycott Bioware

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