Emissary Staff Positions Open


Emissary Staff Positions Open

It is with great sadness that I inform you all that my Praetor, Zuza, is zooming off to bigger and better things in RL. Because of that, she's quite reasonably decided to focus her Brotherhood bandwidth on leading Arcona. I hate to see her go, but I wish her well in future endeavours, in both real life and the Brotherhood.

Of course, that means I need a new Praetor. I'm also opening my unfilled Magistrate position for a six-month term, and will use the same pool of applicants to fill both spots. If you have a preference for one position over another, you'll have a chance to indicate that on the application form.

What can you expect to do on the Emissary Staff?

  • Content creation. The Emissary Staff is basically a content-creation job, whether it's our member newsletters, social media posts, or longer-form content to use in recruitment.

  • Social media. Platforms like Instagram and X drive people to our website. Now that our socials have been running for a few months, we're going to be stepping up our content schedule.

  • Media tie-ins. We tend to get a lot more recruitment traffic with new Star Wars releases, and Acolyte just came out. The more we can capitalise on new Star Wars media, the better.

  • Advertising. This won't make up a huge part of your job, but from time to time, you might make posts in Facebook groups or on subreddits advertising the Brotherhood.

  • Other recruitment– and retention–related duties. This could include anything from member surveys, to helping with quarterly activity stats, to writing guides. I won't go into full details here, or this post would be ten pages long.

What You Need

The main attributes I'm looking for in applicants are the ability and willingness to take initiative, the ability and willingness to learn, and the ability and willingness to work hard. The Emissary Staff's job isn't quite like anything other position in the Brotherhood, and you'll often have to learn as you go.

Preferred traits (not having these won't necessarily disqualify you):

  • Some kind of unit leadership experience
  • Not over-employed, i.e. not already holding two or more leadership or positions
  • Strong writing skills
  • Experience doing layouts for digital documents, especially using Canva

Applications will be open for 1 week, closing Wednesday, June 12 at site reset. The application form is here: Emissary Staff Applications. I look forward to seeing who applies!


Can I be on two staffs or do you have to pay extra?

Its been a great time working for Erinyes, 10/10 reccomend. Someday I'll definitely be coming back


ALas my over employment. But other people. DO THE THING.

Nice to haves:

  • The ability to create propaganda posters
  • An appreciation for squirrels
  • Large earlobes
  • The ability to write in the 4th person, 5th person, and the drive to discover a 6th person POV.



Why limit to only a 6th Person POV? Each one of our Characters have their own scale of thirds, thereby we have at least 15 more beyond our personal to discover Orv!

Perhaps it's time I turned my ability to drag people into The Brotherhood into an actual Career?

Is there an opportunity for more like a freelance work for the Emissary Team rather than long term assignments for M&P?

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