Fist: Application Deadline Extended


Fist: Application Deadline Extended

Greetings Everyone,

The initial applicant deadline for the position of Fist has come and gone. Unfortunately, we had an extremely low turnout on applications. I have decided to extend the application deadline to 21 February after speaking with Consuls and other members of the Dark Council. It was our collective belief that many people may have held off on submitting for one of various reasons (The Fist has to put up with people yelling at him/her, the Praetor is a shoe in for the position, ect).

The Fist is an extremely important position in our club. It requires the right temperament and the right attitude in handling members and potential new games for our club to embrace. My original requirements and questions are below:

1) Applicants must be of the rank of EQ1 or higher.
2) Applicants must have extensive knowledge of the Dark Brotherhood gaming platforms and systems.
3) Applicants must not have JST punishments related to cheating.
4) Applicants should address current CF balancing (trust me, Diablo CFs need a look at again :p).
5) Applications should address current gaming trends and potential outreach to low gaming Clans.
6) Applications should address support for future gaming venues and should do so in detail (types of games, names of games, ect)

Can I be Herald and Fist? Hmm :P

Best of luck to anyone applying.

I wonder if that would be kinda like...

"I'm going to punch you!"

punches them

"The Heraldfist told you so!"

Good luck to all applicants!

I could reclaim my old name " Brain the Fist" .... hmm.

"NNarff!" (could not resist ducks!)

I oddly remember Brain the Fist ... and when Kalen took it away... I wonder if you became Fist if you could have that name back, since the reasons the MAA took it away would be irrelevant :p

In seriousness though it's a great group to work with, and good luck to anyone applying. For what it's worth, if anyone has any questions about an application or is at all considering and isn't sure exactly how to proceed drop me a message on telegram or google I'm mostly approachable. Mostly.

I won't lie Evant ever since I was forced to make that change I've been on a quest to reclaim it.

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