We are about five days away from the end of the Rite of Supremacy. I am concerned that the brackets will not be complete prior to the end of the competition.
Setting up matches is a member responsibility. I will (and have) become involved if there is a dispute or if members are having difficulty in receiving responses from their opponents.
To push these along and to avoid a situation where no placements are given, the following timelines must be adhered to from this point out.
The following matches must be complete by Friday at site reset:
Jedi Academy Bracket
Heroes of the Storm Bracket
If these matches are not complete, I will advance members based on a random coin flip.
The Final four will play each other to determine First and Second place. The losers of the two final four matches will play for third place.
Those matches must be complete by the end of the competition. If not matches are completed, I will be forced to only award participation.
All members who owe matches will receive an email from me shortly. I will ask you when you are planning on playing your matches.
Please do the right thing and get your matches played. People are waiting on you.
-Dracpool, out.
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Quick comment to clarify:
If a member can prove (send. Email.) that they have made attempts to set up a match and have received no reply from their opponent, I will default to the member that actually made the effort to set things up.
Update: Qyreia has an approved extension.
The JA Bracket will continue until complete.