Fist Supplemental Report - Rites of Combat Update


Fist Supplemental Report - Rites of Combat Update


Rites of Combat Update

In preparing for the upcoming Great Jedi War I have begun updating Fist policies and documentation. I noticed the Rites of Combat needed a little housekeeping and updating to reflect the removal of the old member vs member PVP systems.

Without further ado here is the old and new language of the affected sections:


Old Language

Section 2.2 - Setting up Gaming Matches and Events

a. During Vendettas and DB Wide Gaming Tournaments must use the “party create” function s on Discord.

Section 5.3 - Match Dodging

a. Match Dodging occurs when a member who is actively gaming ignores the queue announcement of a specific person but joins the queue after a subsequent queue announcement.

b. Multiple measures have been implemented to make match dodging a rare occurrence. PvP Leaderboards are hidden for all Vendettas, Clan Feud/Co-op, and Fist Competitions.

Section 5.4 - Dbb0t and DB Gaming Matchmaking System

a. Members are not permitted to idle when signed up for matches. The bot will automatically remove members after three hours of waiting.

b. Party owners must use the /disband party function when their group is done playing.

c. Members must use the /leave command if they are planning on not playing any more matches.


Revised Language

Section 2.2 - Setting up Gaming Matches and Events

a. During Vendettas and DB Wide Gaming Tournaments members must use the “party create” functions on Discord unless specific competition rules say otherwise.

Section 5.3 - Match Dodging

a. Match Dodging occurs when a member who is actively gaming in an environment where use of the “party create” functions on Discord are mandatory intentionally avoids or excludes another member or group of members from play. Examples of match dodging include but are not limited to: abruptly ending a party when a certain member joins, leaving a party when a certain member joins, and creating a new party for the same game/mode of another active party with ample open slots.

b. Exceptions to the match dodging rule can be granted by the Fist and Justicar for special circumstances such as an ongoing Chamber of Justice mediation. Such exceptions will be issued in writing by the Justicar for particular members and kept on file with the Chamber of Justice.

Section 5.4 - Dbb0t and DB Gaming Matchmaking System

a. Members are not permitted to excessively idle when creating or joining parties in the #gaming-matchmaking discord channel. . Members who join parties should be added to in-game groups within a reasonable amount of time. Members who create parties should start gaming within a reasonable amount of time after the first person joins the party.

b. Party owners must use the /disband party function when their group is done playing.

c. Members must use the /leave command if they are planning on not playing any more matches.



I wanted to explain the reasoning for the changes and how I intend on enforcing them. Section 2.2 was updated recently to require the use of the “party create” functions on Discord during vendettas. Today’s update is for clarity and to add an exception for certain kinds of competitions like a bracket where the party create function may not be appropriate. When in doubt look to the competition rules and ask the organizer.

Section 5.3 is the biggest change. The match dodging rule has its roots in our old pvp systems. The intent of the rule was always to curb unfair advantages and exclusion. Today’s change brings the match dodging rule in line with the removal of member vs member PVP systems. The updated match dodging rule only applies in situations where the use of the “party create” function is mandatory. Normally this new rule would only apply during vendettas, clan feuds and special club-wide competitions. The match dodging rule does not apply to normal, everyday gaming.

Intentionally avoids or excludes another member or group of members from play” is the operative language in 5.3 a. My intention in drafting this rule and what I will looking for in enforcing it is a pattern of behavior that suggests intentional exclusion. A one-time incident isn't what I'm looking for because stuff happens. Getting spouse aggro or having to walk your dog is not going to get you a visit from the Fist. Having a consistent pattern of leaving groups as soon as a certain member or group comes online might.

I will direct your attention to section 5.1 of the Rites of Combat and the spectrum of remedies available to me. I didn’t do two terms as LHoJ to fly off and try to haul everyone I can before the chamber. If I see a pattern that looks “sus” as the kids would say I will probably talk to you and you might get a written warning. If you persist after that then I will escalate into other remedies.

Section 5.3 b. Is an exception for very special circumstances. Atra and I both know there are sensitive situations where a member would legitimately feel uncomfortable being forced to interact with another member. These are the types of things members would file a COJ complaint or seek mediation for. This is not a simple “I don’t like this person.” I will enforce fairness in vendetta competitions but I will also work with the Justicar to protect members who have sought Chamber intervention. If you feel like your situation warrants an exception to the match dodging rule then the Justicar is the person to contact and he will inform me once approved.

Finally, section 5.4 contains some housekeeping rules on proper etiquette when it comes to the party create function.



My motto on gaming rules is “keep it fair, keep it fun.” Neither Atra or I are hiding in the bushes trying to play gotcha games with members. I want the rules and expectations to be as clear as possible going into the GJW. If you are gaming and making a good faith effort to include others and follow the rules you are fine. Asking a vendetta organizer for clarification if you are unsure of something is always a safe harbor.


Nice changes and fair.

Seems solid. :)


I like the change.

Very good.

Excellent updates and, as RHoJ, I assure you I'm only in the bushes trying to find evidence of Idris's mother subplot. Carry on!

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