Rath Oligard, former Fleet Admiral of the Dark Brotherhood, was declared absent without leave from the Fleet in 29 ABY. Known throughout the Brotherhood as a rising military star, Oligard abandoned his position following the tragic and unfortunate events that led to the death of his family on an uncharted planet known only as XL374.
Oligard’s journey over the next six years took him from sorrow, to depression, to anger, and finally towards a single driven purpose. The galaxy had toiled under the yoke of Force users for Rath’s entire life. The Old Republic were ruled by a cadre of unfeeling and arrogant monks who sat within a temple and passed judgment upon the galaxy. The Empire ruled with an iron fist and destroyed any and all who opposed it. Now, the galaxy sat in a state of abject chaos as multiple Theocracies attempted to impose their will upon it.
The former Fleet Admiral would tolerate it no longer. He crawled from the alcoholic haze that blurred the loss of his family from his memory. He drug himself, upon hands and knees, into the dens of miscreants and criminals until he finally began to find those who understood his new found philosophical goal. The Galaxy was a miserable and contemptuous place, but it was much more tolerable when it was not oppressed by the Jedi or Sith.
The creation of the Collective was a tedious and daunting process. Rath’s personal vanguard within the Liberation Front were the true believers. They despised Force users of all kinds and abhorred the institutions that they created. The Technocratic Guild, a series of eccentric engineers and scientists, did not harbor the same hatred for Force users, but did jealously covet their knowledge and possessions. Finally, Capital Enterprises; the mercenaries for hire within the Collective, agreed to Rath’s terms solely to eliminate the Force users from cutting into their bottom line. Rath understood Capital Enterprises greed, but he also knew their enigmatic leader, Ghafa Ordam, harbored deep hatred for the Sith and their slaver ways.
Six years, billions of credits, and the unification of multiple visions produced the organization that now opposed the Dark Brotherhood. Rath Oligard, military genius, rogue, and charismatic leader, looked forward to finally obtaining the justifiable wrath he sought for his family.
He had conducted hundreds of small scale attacks against the Dark Brotherhood fleets over the past several weeks and now he had ushered them to his front door on Nancora. Exactly where he wanted them.
Dark Jedi Brotherhood,
Welcome to Great Jedi War XII: Retribution. This Great Jedi War marks the beginning of a tidal shift in the affairs of the Dark Brotherhood's story. Over the past two months we made a deliberate decision to create a new enemy for the Dark Brotherhood that would persist beyond a singular war and be available for use by Clans and the Dark Council for the years to come. This decision resulted in the coding of new capabilities on our website, namely the introduction of the Faction page. This allowed our incredible team of Dark Councilors the ability to create an NPC Opposition Force that had all of the characteristics of our very own Clans. You can see the fruit of their labors throughout the Collective's Faction page. Possessions, character sheets, fleets, and some very unique and powerful aspects shape the Collective into an enemy that is worthy of the Dark Brotherhood's combined efforts in the Dark Brotherhood. We were also able to turn some rather hot and sexy images of Rath Oligard, Daggo Mouk, and Ghafar Ordan in an extremely fast manner.
The abundance of world and story creation for the GJW have left many of your heads spinning due to the volume of new content. I'll capture as many of the relevant links as I can below to help streamline your data dives and research. This includes a wiki page that has been designed specifically to help you navigate this GJW.
We hope you enjoy the competitions that have been designed for Retribution. The Dark Council spent an insane amount of hours refining rules, competition prompts, and the new ways for our members to participate in the war. I am extremely proud of the team’s work and equally proud of our Club’s Consuls and membership for taking on this new story with grace. I am well aware that it was an abrupt departure from the past, but hope everyone understands why we believed this new path was a better future for the club.
Lastly, remember that the DJB is for fun and entertainment. Do not allow the competitive juices of our biggest competition to cloud your judgment over the next five weeks. The Justicar has been very clear about his expectations and I will echo his sentiments. The GJW can be a great time for all of you, but it can also be a time where your DJB career dies because of stupid decisions. Have fun, compete like hell, but be a good dude/dudette.
I wish all of you the best of luck!
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incoherent screeches of excitement
Most competitions are now live and running. A few have minor bugs we are fixing. Please report any errors you find on Telegram to the Dark Council. Thank you!
Bring it on Rose Squadron!!!! said the lone pilot who can't directly compete with Emery
I come back and you guys lost a military commander? Ugh... time to get drunk and kill him...
War. Is. Live! Yuuuus!
I have been absent from the DB for a little over two years now, and was groaning at the thought of trying to catch up with this GJW's story line. However, I was pleasantly surprised to see how the information for this event was organized. The wiki page with all of the necessary links available, and the factions are super helpful. Great job guys and gals, and thanks for all of the hard work you put into it! It looks neat, tidy and especially FUN. Have a great GJW, DB! Sorry I can't be a part of it with you this time.