Welcome to our first preview of the Brotherhood's Thirteenth Great Jedi War, Discord. This will be the first of several updates and previews related to the coming War, followed by scoring details, some sneak peeks at upcoming competitions, and of course fictional updates.
Below we introduce Lyra 3K-A, an outpost of the Severian Principate, and the site of the upcoming War. Many of the locales we mention below have a role to play in the coming conflict, and Lyra - and the Brotherhood - will never be the same after GJW XIII: Discord!
The Lyra 3K-A system, so designated three hundred years ago by the Old Republic explorators, is a small out-of-the-way system rarely seen or featured on hyper lane starcharts. It has seen several colonization attempts in the past, with various attempts lasting for different times before being abandoned for one reason or another. Mostly recently, the system has been inhabited by several thousand Severian Principate citizen-colonists and military personnel attempting to carve out an existence among the megafauna and megaflora of the only inhabited world in the system - Eorilia’s Moon.
The Thuvis shipyards are a space station floating in orbit around Lyra’s sun, abandoned by the Empire even at the start of the Galactic Civil War due to lack of resources. The one promising shipyards had originally been planned as an out of the way construction and repair yard, suitable for large and small capital ships, but the Empire soon found superior alternatives. Once in geosynchronous orbit around Eorilia’s Moon, the shipyards were set on a collision course with Eorilia and abandoned by the Imperial navy. The shipyard is currently undergoing repair and restoration by the Navy of the Severian Principate. Much of the station is still abandoned as the resources are gathered to bring it into operational order, but the command center and at least one-third of the docks are operational.
Eorilia’s Moon is a lush, green world orbiting the third planet in the system, the gas giant Eorilia, and it is the home of several thousand Severian Principate citizen-colonists and military personnel. Lyra Colony, the most prominent feature of the moon, is located in the northern hemisphere.
Lyra Colony is a small but steadfast multi-species community living in a city built from premade housing complexes. The city is constantly under construction as new communities and families ship to join the developing colony. Premade housing and structures spread on a large plateau overlooking a fresh-water river and a large mountain. The city had been initially built of deforested ground, however, through the years the colonists had discovered ancient ruins underfoot and begun the excavations. Currently, the colony produces and exports rare flora and fauna, medicinal supplies from local flora and mysterious artifacts usually delivered to various research stations in Principate space.
Little is known about the ancient ruins underneath Lyra Colony. Archaeological digs have uncovered numerous artifacts, murals and kyber crystals strewn throughout the complex which seems to be built deep into the ground. Archaeologists have managed to uncover many texts related to the ancient Jedi order called the Ordu Aspectu and numerous defunct technologies.
The Moon of Thillon is a barren rock riddled with craters and debris from eons-old meteoric bombardment. Much of it is dust and rock, but what lies underneath is a treasure ready to be tapped.
Temnos Excavations Co. is a Sirmium-based mining company given rights to the moon of Thillon, the fourth planet of the system. Excavation on the moon had already started years ago, immediately after Lyra Colony had been established. By now, a large complex of mines, docks, shipping units and storage holds have been erected on the surface. The operation is civilian in nature and has very little military protection, apart from private security.
And that concludes our preview of the Lyra System. Look for additional updates on the Lyra System - and of course, on Great Jedi War XIII: Discord - coming soon!
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spam air horn
Cool stuff, can't wait to set it all on fire. #justlikehome
Will there be wiki pages?
Yup, there will be Wiki pages.
short report. need more intel lol
Looking good, thanks for the report! Looking forward to finding out why previous colonization attempts didn’t work out.
I look forward to "borrowing" their medical research.
Wow, looking great! A lovely new place to play!
Very interesting. Can't wait to see things in action!
Welp, look forward to seeing how much of this we burn down over the next month, heeere weee goooo
In lieu of making more NPC clans, can we make this a real clan for members? I want to live here! :)
Going to suck for all those colonists if there is one of those artifact fragments on that moon.
I'm really digging the idea of GJW previews.
Dem's some sweet sweet graphics you got dere.
Sweet, sweet hype!
I can't wait!
That's a sweet lookin' system!
It has Potential.
very nice. just so i understand..this is the area that war will take place in?