Good News: Google Drive storage changes


Good News: Google Drive storage changes

Google Drive Logo

Good news for the DB Members out there who live on Google Drive for their storage and word processing needs, Google has made some changes to the free and paid storage options.

  • Free: 15 GB (Up from 5 GB)
  • 1st Paid Tier: $1.99/month for 100GB (up from $2.49/month for 25GB)

You can head over to Google to check your usage and change plans if you want to.

Google Drive Storage

Oh, also, there is now also add-ons for Google Drive Documents and Spreadsheets which will help bridge the gap between Drive and MS Office even more. So if you've always wanted to automatically create a bibliography or Avery labels in Drive, you can do that now... check out the Verge for more info and a video.

That's a lot of free storage! And only $10 a month for 1 TB that's crazy!

Yes. <3

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