Grand Master: New Sith Lord


Grand Master: New Sith Lord

A quick announcement that I have award Howlader with the title of Sith Lord.

There are ranks and medals to be earned for any number of things, but only the title of Sith Lord really carries with it in the Dark Jedi Brotherhood the overall impact someone has had on the organization. Howie has been having an influence at some level and is active in conversations I've been around for as far back as I can remember. In fact, I can't recall a time I couldn't toss Howie a quick message to get his thoughts or opinions on something or drag him into a conversation or plan to get his thoughts.

I think he's already a Sith Lord in all ways except those that are official, so I may as well with the authority of Grand Master make it official.

Congratulations Howie. May your Darth Name be confusing and force people to do what you love most, learn new names.


All hail Darth Pandamonium

'bout time! Well played, Panda Lord!

This has been a long time coming. Well deserved.

Congrats, Bear

Congratulations! Now we can all receive our denials from a Darth :)

Darth Ursidae - It's latin, it's confusing, and it's perfectly Howie Bear.

I think the only appropriate response to this is "woo"!

All hail Darth Belly Rubs.

Howie! Celebratory Sith Lord Steaks in the backyard?

Man, they just give the title out to anyone these days, don't they?

(congrats :P)

Darth No.

Very good, bear.

Awesome, congrats Howie!

Yes. Ben.

why couldn't he had been granted this before the comp Howie's New Duds??? now we gotta have a new one with his new Darth suit

Congratulations Darth Waitforit!

Congrats, Howie!

That'll do, bear. That'll do.

Congratulations, Howie!

lol, Darth Howie

Niiiice. Congrats Howie!


Yay Howie!!!

Congrats, buddy. Can’t think of anyone who deserves it more.

Congrats Howie!!!!!

I shall reward you with three head scratches. Well deserved big guy.

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