Greetings Everyone,
Mav and I are nearing our selection on the open Voice, Fist, and Taldyran Consul positions. I wanted to give a last second reminder to any members who are interested in those positions to hurry and apply. I plan on making all three selections simultaneously and releasing it in a big report that also updates the tremendous possessions testing that has recently occurred (Monty figured out how to break the system and had a billion credits and bought a dreadnaught. Jerk.).
Look for the report and selections over the next few days. Also, if you applied for positions, please ensure you are checking your email. I have sent a few follow on questions to our applicants.
Thanks everyone. Have a great Monday!
GM Pravus
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Good luck to all applicants!
Is someone going to make Monday's "great"? I've never heard of such sorcery!
Good luck to everyone! Great opportunities.
Good luck applicants!
And I will now befriend this Monty for future hax...
Good luck to everyone.
Fingers crossed.
Good luck to all those who applied. I've got my double jointed fingers crossed.
Good luck, applicants!
Looks like we'll have a harder job at picking on the "new guy," as there will be three.
New guy? I'll just keep picking on Malik either way. <3 ... looking forward to seeing what our new leadership can accomplish together. A lot of work awaits :)
I for one welcome our new Malik Overlord