Great Jedi War XVI: Transcendance


Great Jedi War XVI: Transcendance

Kamjin knows

The drums of war have begun to beat. The Brotherhood has unified to march against a patient and long waiting enemy after suffering great losses and damage during the devastating attacks on the Clans. The Children of Mortis, having fled the Clans' home systems after being pushed back, have taken up refuge in their most sacred of locations: The Ethereal Realm. A bastion of Force concentration, the Children have had millennia to dig in and prepare.

It is here they hope to enact their final rite and sever the chain that binds the Force. The Brotherhood must fight as a singular front to push forward against this dangerous enemy, and stop them from remaking reality itself.

These two sides are not alone however, as Telaris Cantor has returned seeking to complete his own mission of establishing a new great Empire.

As the Brotherhood marches into a new frontier, full of wonders, power, mystery, and nightmares, the fate of everything hangs in the balance.

Great Jedi War XVI: Transcendance begins tonight!

Major Links:

Scoring and Rewards

In addition to Hero titles for the top three scoring members and the usual novae (and crescents!), and credits, dossier art will be awarded based on the Herald Vendetta Dossier Skin Guidelines:

1st Place Clan: Robe & Weapon
2nd Place Clan: Robe
3rd Place Clan: Weapon

And all participants will receive one Seal of Transcendance per competition participated in:

Not as pretty as The Mother

Additionally, Clans will be granted Clan Fleet Upgrades from a pool of available upgrades. In order of Clan score, each Clan will get to select one item from the list. An item, once selected, will be removed from the list and not be available for other Clans to choose in this vendetta.


If you find any errors in competitions or have questions about rules, please email myself, Bubba, and the competition organizers. Do not message us on Discord with questions, as it’s nearly impossible for us to track everything that way. Any updates or clarifications to competition rules will be announced on the news page.

We all hope you have as much fun participating in this event as we have had in conceiving and organizing it!



Mega Hype!


/me blares the Stone Cold Steve Austin entrance music.

Mmmmmm, time to make some spreadsheets

My apologies if I had killed Telaris when he joined Evant wouldn't have to hunt him down now. The great thing about life is if you wait long enough you'll get a chance to correct old mistakes grabs a club.

Let's do it too it!

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