HM Staff Update: New(and old) Magistrates!


HM Staff Update: New(and old) Magistrates!


As our hiring period for the two available Magistrate positions has ended, I have decided to welcome Raiheaux to the Shadow Academy Staff! Some may have known him better as Justinios Drake, but this member has a long history within our club, and I am happy to have him working on my staff. He will fill the Magistrate Role to develop new courses and review existing ones. I look forward to working with you, Raiheaux!

For the Magistrate Role centered on the Aurora Collegium of Sciences(ACS) in terms of fictional development, Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir, also known as Atty, has agreed to stay on for another term! Few in this club are as adept with building strong fictional stories as Atty, and I am incredibly happy that she has chosen to take on this task. She is going to do amazing things!

Once again, Titius Osseus is also staying on, handling the Magistrate Role of keeping the grading que going. All exam courses, with some exceptions, should be graded within 12-24 hours, and Titius has proven to be a strong worker in keeping up with these tasks.

Thus, I present the new Magistrate team for the Headmaster's Office.


Two quick notes to add to this news post!

We have received 20 responses so far to the Shadow Academy Engagement Survey. Please, if you haven’t already, take a few minutes to follow the link and give your thoughts on the current state of the Shadow Academy, the Aurora Collegium of Sciences, and the Wiki!

Second, one of the rewards for hard work and dedication to the Shadow Academy is the Service Degrees! I would like to share the recent recipients of these degrees and thank these members for their efforts!

And finally, and long overdue

And that’s all for now, folks!



Awww snap, here we go again! Looking forward to getting work done!

Congrats everyone.


Congrats everyone! Envious of the very fancy, rare and elusive Service Sage and Master of Lore! Big congratz on that!


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