House Acclivis Draco QUA taking applications


House Acclivis Draco QUA taking applications


Hello again, CSP and friends!

I have another quick announcement. Nemo has been a great QUA for House Acclivis Draco for the past 10 months but he's needed to focus on real life recently and needed to step down. Accordingly, I'm opening applications DB-wide for a replacement for his position.

Same as before, there's no minimum rank requirement or any past experience needed. We can train you what you need to know. Tell me what you want to accomplish as QUA and send in your applications by March 31st to [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

A few things I'm looking for are engagement with members and generally being active Discord, helping run comps at the Clan level, assistance with medals, and helping with projects as they unfold.

For the Empire!


Apply Guys! You can shape the future of the Empire!

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