House Ektrosis AED Report #2


House Ektrosis AED Report #2

- Introduction -

Welcome to my second report as your Aedile. This week I was hit pretty hard with a bunch of BS that made my life difficult. While many of those issues weren't anything serious in nature, the one thing that boned me the most was losing my internet connection, which was luckily fixed this morning. It was absolutely painful using my phone and I don't see how people can use them as their main source of activity. Kudos to you!

But let's move on shall we?

- House News -

The Fading Light continued to fade as the Crusade's series of Run-Ons came to a close. Alot of the members from House Ektrosis participated in this Competition while others ran into burdens of their own. Nevertheless, I would like to thank and congratulate those who participated and for those of you who completed their stories. Well done!

Pod Racing Results!!

I would also like to announce the winners of the Podracing Competition which ended recently. The participants and placements, are as follows.

*1st Place - Raistline - 1:43:98 - Crescent with Emerald Star

*2nd Place - Aiden Dru - 1:47:00 - Crescent with Topaz Star

*3rd Place - Zoron - 1:58:10 - Crescent with Quartz Star

- Participants -

*Rian - 2:04:50

*Yacks - 2:05:12

*Halcyon - 2:45:91

Well done guys, we had a good turnout. I'll probably be hosting more flashgame comps in the future. Might help break some of the monotony.

Qualify For the ACC!!

As Mav stated in his report, we're staring down the barrel of an ACC event after the RO. It's very important for all of you to qualify. If anyone has any questions or needs help with their qualifications, I'd be glad to lend a hand. While I don't claim to be the best ACC writer, I've been around long enough to know the fundamentals. I'm sure that Halc, Mav and a few others would help out as well. Doesn't hurt to ask.

- Current Competitions -

The Gate Keeper Trials are still underway. If you think you have what it takes to help protect Taldryan, I suggest taking a peek. You'll have until the 31st to participate. Zoron is also running a clever competition. If anyone has an interest in basketball then this is definitely a competition you'll enjoy.

Mav and Kaz are looking for headers. You can see the details here.

I also suggest taking a look at the other competitions the Brotherhood is offering. They can be found here.

= In Closing =

I've been impressed with the activity level of House Ektrosis but I know we can do better. Let's continue the carnage and prove to everyone that we're the House to beat and that Clan Taldryan's awakening is just the beginning of a long reign.

If any of you have any questions/comments/concerns/ideas or just need to chat. You can shoot me an email or find me on IRC. Useful e-mails

QUA - Halcyon - [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Wardens BTL - Sid - [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Wardens Sergeant - Aiden Dru - [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

In Darkness,

SWL Quejo

Aedile of House Ektrosis, Clan Taldryan

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Woo Q-man posted his report this time :)

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