House Imperium AED Position - Open


House Imperium AED Position - Open


After serving a year as the QUA for House Imperium, our old man of CSP, Dante, is going to be resigning at the end of the month. Taking his place will be current AED, Lexiconus Qor, who has been doing an absolutely wonderful job building up to this transition.

As such, the position of AED in House Imperium is now open for applications. Imperium is an amazing house with some great people, and great activity levels. Also as a house that is only a year old, there is still a ton of room for growing its numbers, lore, and unity as a unit. If you think you have what it takes, apply!

We will be accepting applications, from anyone in the club, now through February 26th. Send applications to Lexiconus, Eetherbiail, and myself. Include any past experience, reasons why you want it, and any goals you think are worth setting for the house.

Congratulations Lexiconus my friend, you'll do well I'm sure.

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