Hello everyone! With 7 hours left of Week 3 we have the results of Week 2. But first! I am thrilled to say that James has added the ability for competition organizers to download information in .csv, which allows us nerds to import participants, submission times, time taken, etc into relevant programs (spreadsheets, etc) to do a bunch of black magic with it. It's a quality of life addition that will make grading easier especially for container comps such as M4, but for individual comps as well (puzzles!).
Week 2 of May the Fourth has been completed and below are our winning teams! We had a total of 47 members participate this week, including soloists.
- Team 3: Thane, Eiko, Ood Bnar, Zoron
- A. N. E. L: Alaris Jinn, Nora Olen, Eleceos Araave, Locke Sonjie
- Three Men and a Birdy: TuQ’uan Varick, Kadrol Hauen, Alethia Archenksova, Zuser Whuloc
- 8-bit Thespians: Selika Roh, Idris Adenn, Tasha'Vel Versea, Cimozjen Kurios
- Vizjizzles: Korvis, Kanal, Shimrah, Chrome
- Bull & Duck: Kah'ri Marru, Kamjin, Cade Tezo, Dukwtape
- The Astromecs: Elaine Conrat, Atashi Rain, Honsou Kessen, Brimstone
- Team 2: Archian, Dekonikor, Zosi'val'ria, Dacien Victae
- Plagdryan: Tahiri Thorn Morte Tarentae, Kul'tak Drol, Cassandra Oriana Tyris, Koda Kendis
- Team Four Calamaties: Shadow Palpatine Nighthunter, Horus Blackheart, Ric "Blade" Hunter, Sykes Jade
Firstly, the two non-weeklies:
- Item Hunt 1 goes to Three Men and a Birdy with 14 minutes!
- Crossword 1 goes to Zoron with 115 seconds. My webpages barely load that fast.
Now the Week 2s:
- Apparently “REBEL” was too easy of a Wordle too. Kadrol took the lead with 135 seconds and Alaris 2nd with nearly double the time.
- Arx trivia winner was Eiko with 100% and 292 seconds, followed by Selika with 313 seconds! That’s some amazing wiki skills.
- Next is puzzle, everyone's favorite. Zoron with 201 seconds, Eleceos on their tail with 220 and Kamjin at 226. So close!
- Two Truths and a Lie went to Idris with 108 seconds followed by Selika with 174 seconds and Renatus at a super close 181. This was a tough one, so here’s some stats.

Good luck on last second entries and remember a couple of things:
- Trivia and Two Truths do need a screenshot. If you can't see your score or forgot, you can go back to get it, google will usually save it for you if you're logged in. But don't abuse it to get a better score and then submit the better score, it is cheating and logged each time.
- After uploading, take a second to make sure it was the right screenshot or even successful upload. You can't delete but you can reupload to replace the old.
- Escape Room and Dream Team are co-ops. Everyone submits a screenshot for ES (to show who worked on it) but only one needs to make a team submission for Dream Team. You can submit names in the submission text box.
- Item Hunt and Crossword are not co-ops.
- Quiz placements are first calculated by correct answers and then by time. Even if it takes 30 minutes, slow correct answers beat faster incorrect.
- Good luck, and May the Fourth be with you!
Gooooo generic team name!
Generic team name number three!