New Tradition: Mandalorian


New Tradition: Mandalorian


The Deputy Grand Master and I were sitting around the holo-fire smoking cigars and discussing traditions. Neither one of us had a reason why Mandalorians were not included. So, they are now included.

Mandalorian has been added to the Tradition tab without exception. All members may select the new tradition. Enjoy!


Waiting for all the Mando Jedi who don't know how religion works :p

Well from what I read, there may be several Mando Jedi in the Brotherhood, your parents or mentor may have been Mandalorians and you loosely stick to their teachings on how you approach a situation, on top of what you get taught in the DB. That for go Mando Jedi =P

It's the same as saying a Jedi can't have some Sith in their background... I remember a story once were a kid rebelled against his sith father... I forget the name of it atm but it was a decent story.


Do you get a free jetpack on sign up?


Nice, very nice.

Damit, now I am torn between this and Krath.

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