New Vizsla Consul


New Vizsla Consul

With real life eating into her DB time and energy more than she anticipated, Socks has elected to step down from CON. Rather than open applications, I have decided to appoint her PCON, Donny (Uji? Ikarri? Too many names!), as her replacement. Look for a report from him soon with information on his PCON hunt.

It happens to us all. Here’s for more Socks comics and Don-uj-ikar-grunt Consulship

Congrats, kyodai.

Congrats Donny, and massive Kudos to Socorra.

Grats Donny!

Congratulations Donny!


Congrats Ikarri!


Good luck, Donny. :D

Congrats and good luck, Donny!


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