Hey everyone! If you're participating in Phase 2 of the Unsteady Ground competition series (or interested in participating in it), you have one week left to get your entries in. As of this news post, I have one solo fiction entry, no run-on entries, and a handful of submissions for the gaming, graphics, and Flash game events. A number of you have mentioned you're working on submissions, so it's time to get cracking!
Once the grading is done, I'll be announcing winners for both the Phase 2 events and the overall Unsteady Ground series. I look forward to seeing what you all come up with!
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i do understand but my english🤔 is bit rough i understand most things written in english and for me as an iranian with Autism😋 living in holland it's difficult by that i mean i never was in the learning zone after one year of school bullying but it's really great to see this it make me more glad every time i see something like this nut i'm a bit disappointed in myself😅 i'm really sorry about not being online that's my fault but i'll make it up😊