During the Great Jedi War's second phase Vivackus Kavon, one of our veteran members, made his return to Plagueis. At that time, he also approached me with the idea of doing a Plagueis Podcast, something to cover Plagueis and Star Wars related topics in something other than news posts and reports. Now, the first iteration of the Plagueis Podcast has arrived for your listening pleasure, and can be found HERE. Below, you can find the topics and the relevant times in the podcast where they are discussed.
Viv is looking to have the podcast releasing monthly (for now), with the next episode recording the first week of January. Anyone wanting to provide feedback, thoughts, listener mail or ask about being a guest should email Viv at [Log in to view e-mail addresses].
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This is pretty good :)
Also, I'm looking into getting this listed in Itunes and/or Stitcher, but we wanted to get this out there first, since we spend a lot of time talking about Episode 8, and that becomes much less relevant after the movie comes out next week.
Guys, I think you're onto something here.
I hope you all enjoy this! As for me, I Will be switching from a headset to a professional microphone, just so you don't hear those pops and thumps when I talk.
Looking forward to having some of you as guests as well!
I too will be using a professional mic. Sincerest apologies for the pop pop. :)
Though I had a blast recording. Though it may be called PlagCast, the podcast is for all to enjoy. I'm most excited for potential feature guests from across the Brotherhood in the near future.
Viv, great idea. Thank you.
Really neat idea. Look forward to more in the future.
Pretty cool stuff. Well done with the RO streak and in the GJW.
Just got done listening, good work everyone and looking forward to seeing what you make of The Last Jedi next time around.
This is pretty great, I hope it continues!
Really fantastic idea and really great job subscribed