Pro Bowl VIII: Opening Ceremonies


Pro Bowl VIII: Opening Ceremonies


Pro Bowl VIII: Convergence

Welcome to the 2024 iteration of the Pro Bowl! The initial prologue event) will be kicking off today at site reset, so it's just a few hours away! This year's attendees are Clans Arcona, Vizsla, Scholae Palatinae, Naga Sadow, Taldryan, Odan-Urr as well as the Council. Each of the two teams, the Frog-dogs and Rotworms (titans of the Huttball court), will be drafted by team captains from each Clan. These captains will be a mix of the summit and senior members of all the clans, as such:

Team Frog-dogs:

  • Aiden Lee Deshra, Arcona
  • Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar, Naga Sadow
  • Tierra Suha'sen, Odan-Urr
  • Nora Olen, Plagueis
  • Vincent Brujah, Scholae Palatinae
  • Jade Hext, Taldryan
  • Hector Von Ricmore, Vizsla
  • Dacien Victae, The Council

Team Rotworms:

  • Diyrian "Diy" Grivna, Arcona
  • Bentre Stahoes, Naga Sadow
  • Tisto Kingang, Odan-Urr
  • TuQ’uan Varick, Plagueis
  • Nefarious "NeMo" Moniker, Scholae Palatinae
  • Ood Bnar, Taldryan
  • Kanal O'neill, Vizsla
  • Darth Renatus, The Council

We hope to have all the clan drafts completed ASAP so we can get those team rosters released quickly. As follows, please see the details of the overall event below.


Pro Bowl VIII is a three-week, multi-event competition designed to test each and every member of the Brotherhood. An opening, week zero event will determine which order the team captains will have in a draft-style event led by the Pro Bowl organizers. The team captains will alternate their selections until the entire roster of all seven clans and the Council are split between them. Once the roster is set, the two teams will battle it out in a series of 32 additional competitions spread over the course of three weeks. Events will include the standard fare of Fiction, Graphics, Gaming, and Trivia, along with some less common events designed to help test each member of the Clans.


The Pro Bowl will be running on a very similar schedule to year's past, with our prologue week event starting August 26th. Then, we will have three single week rounds following that with the entire event ending September 22nd. Full week by week breakdowns are as follows:


Much as we had last year, Discord support for the Pro Bowl teams will be making their return. The Council has been gracious enough to set up a Pro Bowl chat area on Discord for the event once more, and will be handling the herculean task of assigning everyone to their teams. Team members will all be assigned roles for their team channels, so be on the lookout for when your team channel shows up!


Something that has been carried over from Pro Bowls past, is an emphasis on showing up. Every member, every entry will contribute to the overall score of each team, and lead one of them to victory. Contributions big and small up and down the roster, just like the 53 man roster of an American football team, are meaningful! This can be seen in the Pro Bowl scoring system:

Each individual will earn five points per event they participate in. Participation is defined as a valid submission for an event. Simply signing up for an event or uploading an unqualified submission will not count. You have to put in the effort in order to receive the reward. Participation will earn 5 points.

Additionally, the top three individuals in each event will earn placement modifier points. First place will earn 4 points, second place will earn 3 points, and third place will earn 2 points, and all other entries will earn 1 point. Events themselves will have modifiers based on their perceived difficulty/level of effort required. For example: the modifier for fiction will be 3, the modifier for gaming/graphics/poetry will be 2, and no modifier will be added to puzzle/trivia/flash events.

Grading formula: (Placement Score * Event Modifier) + Participation = Event Score

At the end of the competition, the individual scores for all three weeks will be added up, and the top three individuals will earn crescents for the overall competition. Total scores for both teams, including the Prologue Week event, will determine the victorious team.

Members will get more points for placing, but the biggest way you can contribute to your team's victory (and bragging rights over your opponents, be they from other Clans or your fellow Clan-mates) is just being active.

Let's Gooooooo!

Remember, don't kick the Huttball. Cause Hutts don't have feet!! ProBowl is a go!

Frog-dogs for life!!!

Sounds like fun!




Hi. Just a random question - can I participate for the sake of participation? I'm currently a Rogue.

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