Pro Bowl VIII: Week One Begins!


Pro Bowl VIII: Week One Begins!


Pro Bowl VIII: Convergence

It has been a full year since The Children of Mortis were shattered by a Brotherhood invasion of the Ethereal Realm. Like many factions before them, however, shattered does not always mean destroyed. The Brotherhood has spent the ensuing months since the Sixteenth Great Jedi War seeking to snuff out any remaining forces loyal to the Children, with both the Inquistiorius and Shadow Syndicate funneling information and leads back to their respective heads on the Council. The last of this Remnant faction has proven elusive. Until now.

Agents loyal to the Brotherhood have tracked the main portion of the Children to the shattered moon of Jedha, formerly a center of the Jedi and Kyber production. It is thought that the Children Remnants are seeking to find some sort of artifact or weapon that they can turn against their pursuers, perhaps even enough to reverse their defeat. The Council have decided to allow this information to find its way into the hands of the various Clans of the Brotherhood, perhaps testing to see the future limits of the Cantonica Accords that had bound the Clans together against a common foe.

Each Clan has decided to dispatch their forces to end this last remaining threat from the Children once and for all. The might of the seven Clans now focused upon the former Pilgrim Moon, though it remains to be seen how long that might will remain unified and focused on the same goal…

Pro Bowl: Wee One Begins!

Welcome to week one of Pro Bowl VIII: Convergence! Week One will run from September 2nd to September 8th, ending at site reset at end of day Sunday. There are also two event long events that can be found here under the main competition container that will run for the full duration of the event, from September 2nd to September 22nd. These two event long competitions comprise a small team RP event as well as an intel dossier-style event akin to those that we have seen in recent Vendetta events.

Keep in mind that the Pro Bowl is an event that prioritizes showing up, so every little bit you contribute (large or small!) helps add to your team's score. All members should find themselves on the team rosters as well as in their respective team chats on the DB Discord server. If you can't find yourself on the list or can't see your team's channel, please reach out to your Consul or your unit team captain right away.

Frog-dog Team Captains:

  • Aiden Lee Deshra, Arcona
  • Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar, Naga Sadow
  • Tierra Suha'sen, Odan-Urr
  • Nora Olen, Plagueis
  • Vincent Brujah, Scholae Palatinae
  • Jade Hext, Taldryan
  • Hector Von Ricmore, Vizsla
  • Dacien Victae, The Council

Rotworm Team Captains:

  • Diyrian "Diy" Grivna, Arcona
  • Bentre Stahoes, Naga Sadow
  • Tisto Kingang, Odan-Urr
  • TuQ’uan Varick, Plagueis
  • Nefarious "NeMo" Moniker, Scholae Palatinae
  • Ood Bnar, Taldryan
  • Kanal O'neill, Vizsla
  • Darth Renatus, The Council

And, most important of all, remember this: The Pro Bowl is an excuse to get out and have fun, meet new people, and fight for some good natured team spirit. To paraphrase the merc with a mouth, Let's F'ing Go!

This Hutt is gonna fly!! (Turel understands this comment)

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