PulseFeed News Aggregator: Clan Updates #18


PulseFeed News Aggregator: Clan Updates #18

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Dark Council
The Quest for the Champion

The Brotherhood continues to build strength. Its relationship with the Principate has never been stronger, and the lack of action from its greatest enemies, The Collective and The Children of Mortis, a time of over arching peace has settled. While the clans deal with their individual conflicts, the Council has been using this time to further solidify the power of the Brotherhood, its military forces, and the resources it brings to support its clans. With the uncommon lull in the constant attempts at exterminating the Brotherhood, the membership has been invited to participate in a grand championship. Hosted on Arx, all members have been invited to test their skills as combatants in the hopes to win glory and riches.

Elsewhere, the Principate continues to grow its own borders with diplomatic and aid missions bring multiple new systems to its cause. Leaning heavily on the Brotherhood for defense, it has now begun to once again build its own resources to help protect and defend. Their greatest enemy, the Revenants, have remained quiet, keeping the peace against the Principate, focusing their own efforts deep in the outer rim as a band of mercenaries, smugglers, and fixers.

Unbeknownst to the Revenants however, they have been used by the Collective, gathering supplies and resources the Collective needs as it continues to ramp up its own forces once again in hope of extinguishing the Brotherhood forever.

Read more at the Fiction Center.

Dwindling Smoke

The war waged against the False gods continued as Arcona, Taldryan, Naga Sadow, and Odan-Urr fought against not only caxqettes, cultists, and Chicyiot but the mass rage the Cathar befell upon them. One enraged pilot ordered their unit to bomb an active island volcano near the combat and unwittingly releasing the “Goddess” Tiexsema. The Anzati killed Chicyiot and in turn dominated the minds of cultists and the allied Clan forces into an army to march with her and claim control of Selen. In a wild risk to turn the tides back in the clans favor, the mindreading power of the Serpentine Throne was turned on Tiexsema, breaking her control and focus long enough for her to be thwarted and killed. And Alla'su? The Mother of Caxqettes was caught attempting to leave with her brood, eliminated in the conflict that followed. From the blows of battle and environmental disaster, Arcona remained standing and with some inter-clan relations both strengthening and shaping.

As the smoke dwindles post the now coined Battle of Brimstone, House Galeres and the Dajorran Marshals both set to work aiding in the restoration and emergency response, providing triage and resources where needed. House Qel-Droma in the meanwhile, returns home to find a group of pirates, Umbra Ferrum, had been stealing from the ‘Blindman’s Cartel’, the alias the house acts under. They set about correcting the crew of their mistakes whether by means of diplomacy or force remains unseen.

Read more about Arcona's ongoing events here.

Naga Sadow
And The Search Continues

The Clan departs Athiss, after their encounter at the Kressh tomb, the Clan heads back to the Orian System to meet up at the Sadowan Lounge on Dentavi Prime.

The Consul and Proconsul relive the encounter over drinks. DarkHawk learned first hand that the wrath of the spirits should be left undisturbed. Further investigations are required, the first stage of planning begins over drinks and rough napkin sketches.

House Shar Dakhan has constructed the Regatta Royale Casino & Resort along with the establishment of a lucrative sail skiff racing circuit. The casino and races will surely be a solid source of income to Aeotheran. Not to mention bringing a laundry list of seedy personnel from around the system to their backyard. Aeotheran forces will be busy vigorously policing those venues

While the Clan momentarily enjoys recreation throughout the system, investigations remain ongoing. Summit implements even more detailed searches and reconnaissance. Every step draws the Clan closer to their goals, but at what cost? . Ripples in the Force become more conspicuous while danger awaits to feed on Sadowan flesh.

Read more about Naga Sadow's ongoing events here.

In Keeping Secrets of Silent Kiast: I

There was always a calm before the storm, the dreaded silence, one which everyone knew dredged a harrowing storm upon their beleaguered peace, ready to dash the final vestiges of their hopeful veneer. This calm had followed the Second Fleet’s return from the Arconan’s territory, as the joint efforts helped those of Dajorra quell their false gods, new tensions rose in the Nilgaard Sector. Silence, the loss of communication, networking, and delegations between Kiast and its neighbors in the Sector began to stoke the flames of issues that had long been left unresolved. Fears, which, only grew as one of their galactic neighbors, the Quermians, broke the silence seeking assistance in navigating negotiations with an all-too-familiar force. Leaving nothing to chance the Council arranged a Jedi Delegation to escort the Quermians, while preparing for the possibility of prolonged conflict, based on the reports the Quermians delivered.

Despite the call to arms and subsequent joint planning between the Vatali Imperial Forces, Odan-Urr United Space Command, and the Jedi Temple to investigate the matter, discontent rose throughout the various Noble Houses of the Kiast System. House Sunrider, the Noble House representing Clan Odan-Urr, has faced massive upheaval throughout these events, with one of the House’s Scions approaching Empress Anasaye to petition the Empire for Patents of Nobility in the formation, rather a reformation, of House Hoth, following a great ideological schism…

Read more about Odan-Urr's ongoing events here.

Idle Clans are the Devil's Playground

With the seemingly final retreat of the Children of Mortis having truly taken place, and the returned master Faethor feeling more like a bogeyman than true threat, the Ascendant Clan has found itself without a true enemy to fight. The ever-present raiders and pirates that operate around Plagueis space, preying on trade of the Clan itself and that of the nascent Confederacy that it leads, are not enough of a target for the war machine of the Clan to exhaust itself against.

In the absence of real conflict, intercene rivalries have once again risen to the forefront. The Houses of the Ascendant Clan compete for the Dread Lord's favor, as the newly arrived Quaestor Titius Osseus vies for ascendancy over the more established Tahiri. The military forces often find themselves tripping over one another, so to speak, as independent units clash over the few available tasks and missions to maintain their readiness. The Clan, hungry for a combative outlet, has taken well to the Voice's announced tournament at the Antei Combat Center. With the opportunity for glory against the enemies of the Brotherhood and Clan Plagueis out of reach, the Plagueians have instead chosen to find glory against internal rivals and friends alike.

This lull in the action, as the universe appears to be taking a moment to catch its breath, is only an illusion, however. Even farther into the reaches of the Unknown Regions the forces of the Brotherhood's enemies come together, as Faethor gathers around him shattered remnants of both the First and Final Orders, waiting for his moment to strike.

Read more about Plagueis' ongoing events here.

Scholae Palatinae
The Secret War

Tempers have cooled in the ongoing conflict between Clan Scholae Palatinae and the Chiss zealots known as The Hegemonia. A peace agreement has been reached between the two factions. Under the oversight of the simian Pendek race of the Crannix system, the Empire and the Hegemonia were able to meet on terms agreeable to both. In exchange for large quantities of rare Nyix-alloy and a secret location within Chiss space to continue a Top Secret construction project, the Empire has offered military protection to the ruling Jloc family and the Syndic Prime and have turned over an ancient Star-Map that had been discovered in the ruins of the Bronze Helix Observatory.

The Star-Map remains undeciphered by both parties, but the secrets held within will soon be revealed. Possession of the map by the Syndic Prime has further raised tensions within the Chiss governing body. The odor of dissension and uprising grow more pungent with each passing hour.

On the heels of this agreement, the Empire has immediately begun to execute on a top secret construction. A substantial fleet of transport vessels, factory ships, and support craft have headed deep into Chiss territory. Project: Firestorm is well underway. Newly appointed Director Fitzroy Tosten has been tirelessly working on flawlessly executing the Emperor’s vision. This secret weapon is to be the centerpoint of the Emperor’s secret war against the Council and anyone who would dare stand in their way...

Read more about Scholae Palatinae's ongoing events here.

Sins of an Empire

Following the dispatching of a diplomatic team to the Dalicron system of Frelos by Supreme Chancellor and Lady Second Cassandra Oriana Taldrya, the general outcome has not been what either herself or the Taldryan Administrative Council had predicted.

Treachery occurred during the negotiations, which saw blame shifted to the diplomatic team which was headed by Vice-Chancellor Anders. Recorded footage of them defending themselves, was misconstrued to show them as the aggressors. Showing it as if they intended to take down the Dominion's Wrath, the flagship of the Human League, with everyone on board. Unfortunately, due to the actions of Anders and the team, it was extremely easy to make it appear this way.

With Trexxa, the main world of the Frelos system, now under full invasion by the Human League, the Taldryan Senate has had no choice but to declare war against the Human League and much of the Dalicron Sector. Worlds and systems that it was hoped would support the Taldryan Republic and its allies, are greatly apprehensive of it.

Internal preparations as well were found lacking, as none of the armed forces including the Naval Fleet were ready nor prepared to go to war, resulting in the replacement of several flag officers across the branches. The Taldryan Administrative Council also removed Vice-Chancellor Anders from his post, having no choice after the fallout the Republic received due to his actions during the mission. In turn, he was replaced by a tree. A Neti by the name of Ood Bnar.

With war declared, the peace of the Republic is once again shattered. What is to come, and what will happen..? And what of the droid attack on the wookies the invasion of Trexxa?

Read more about Taldryan's ongoing events here.

The Clan Reforged

In recent months, the Clan has seen their coffers filling in abundance, with members turning record profits as they spread out from Zsoldos, taking on work throughout their territory and into the Unknown Regions. Their efforts are coordinated by the crew of the newly deployed Panoptes, utilizing the Clan's enhanced slicing suite to organize and deliver communications throughout their operating area.

Within the Zsoldos system, the Clan has finalized repairs on Respite Station and brought the facility back into operation, while also focusing on the recruitment of new foundlings. The Clan’s resurgence has drawn the attention of a rival Clan known as Clan Fero, whose associates actively compete with Vizsla for contracts, bounties, and general work. Though most encounters have been non-violent, the growing tension between the two is on the verge of sparking into outright conflict.

Read more about Vizsla's ongoing events here.

Such story. Much update. wow.

Always interesting to see what's going on and to tie stories together with other Clans.

Tal = Cass blames Anders, Xenophobes are angry

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