Resignation from Justicar


Resignation from Justicar

My friends,

I write tonight to inform you of my impending resignation from the position of Justicar. I informed Mav this evening of my intent, and he gracefully accepted my decision. I will remain as Justicar until the new nomination and election process is completed.

This is a sad event for me. To say that Justicar is a position particularly suited to me would be an understatement. I wanted to be JST since I was originally GM back in the '90s and saw Paladin smoke misbehaving members in a way I wouldn't dream of doing today. Then I watched with amazement as my good friends FF, Yacko, Kir and Taig took these reigns and set a high standard for excellence. I'm glad that Sarin finally gave me the chance to put my skill set to work; what better job for a Star Wars-loving attorney than to be the judge, jury and executioner in a club like this?

Unfortunately, I no longer have the ability to prioritize the DB like I once could. With my family as my top priority and my professional life taking off, my time for the DB has been extremely limited. Normally I could make it work, but the last couple months have added new opportunities at work that have eaten any semblance of free time I once had. Article 7, Section 7.01(f) of the Covenant states that: "The Justicar must be aware of his important role in the Brotherhood and must resign if time constraints keep the court on a constant delay." While I am still able to respond on a daily basis where required, I can no longer make progress on the other tasks and projects that I should be working on. My time constraints have caused delay, and I cannot remain as Justicar in good conscience.

There is much we have accomplished over the past three years. There is also much still to be done with this office, but I will be justifiably proud of the Chamber of Justice that I leave behind. The Covenant is in great shape and there is no other document like it in a similar organization. I believe strongly that I have set a strong precedent for my predecessor, and I know that Mav will choose the best person to fill this role. I leave knowing that the work I've done will be taken to the next level and that the CoJ and DB as a whole will continue to prosper.

As for me, the saddest part is not leaving the position I love, but it's the realization that there will be no impending return to the activity of my past. I am confident that you will see Sarin and Muz again in important positions, but Justicar was my third rise to the Dark Council and will very likely be my last. That is hard. That is very hard. Being a public leader in this club has been a part of me for the better part of 20 years, and I will miss it immensely. Unlike when I stepped down last time from GM, there is no going back to a clan to compete and win titles in GJWs. Doing that right is even more time consuming than JST. Rather, my role now is as an advisor in the background, a member of the Star Chamber, and a vigilant protector of the intellectual property of the club. I'm not going to fade away to total inactivity, but my activity will be mostly in the background.

To those that served with me on the CoJ, you have my eternal thanks, especially my Hands of Justice: Monty, Bubba, BF, Turel, Halc and Arden. You have made the difference in many ways, served with the utmost professionalism, and advanced your offices with skill and precision. Most of all, I think we made the right decisions, even the tough ones. I'm sorry to my current staff that you get me only in this abbreviated state, but the new Justicar will treat you well. Thank you as well to Sarin and Mav and all of those on this current and the past Dark Councils. Working with you was an honor, my friends, especially as the last few years have seen advances that we only dreamed of years ago. A special thanks to James, who has worked so hard to keep this club alive and well, that I would be remiss should I fail to recognize him on my way out the door.

As I write this last paragraph (which has taken me about an hour), I am glad that I already told about 15 people I was stepping down. No going back now, as much as every instinct in me is to delete this post, quit my real job, and make my kids bring me food as I sit here all day and play with my Magical Internet Friends. I feel like I am giving up a part of myself, and I wish I could peacefully go, saying that I had done all I could do and all I intended to to. But that is not the case, and it will be a long time before I forgive existence for only giving me so many hours in the day. But, it is time. I've put this off for too long, and it's time for me to go.

I will miss this and all of you.

Jac Cotelin

Thanks for everything, Jac. You are a damn legend. Thanks for all the advice for a relative youngster on the DC. I’ll always appreciate the advice you gave me in keeping our gamers out of trouble. You weren’t out to always seemed to find ways to prevent it. Best of luck as you focus on family and your career.

Us new kids will try to keep from burning the place down.

Jackass. Thanks Jaccles.

Jac, I don't know you personally, but from afar your contributions constantly amaze me. Your professionalism and effective leadership in the position of Justicar is indescribable and a shining example to others. It upsetting to see you go but I wish you the very best of luck in your personal life and I commend you for thinking about your family when you think about how you can use your time best. The next Justicar has some big shoes to fill and you will be sorely missed. <3

Thank you for all the awesomeness, Jac.

I salute you.

Noooooo! Who will fill all of the holes in the ceiling? :P But seriously, thanks for everything that you did for us. Your ability to be such a great leader whilst making little fuss. This club has greatly progressed through your actions, and I hope we can make you proud as you watch from behind the scenes!

Jac, I do not exaggerate in the least when I say you are the club member I look up to the most. You always challenged me to be not only the best member I could be but the best person I could be. Your patience, wisdom and sage advice has shaped not only my career as a leader but countless others as well. You single-handed spearheaded a shift in culture of how our club handles justice toward one of reconciliation and rehabilitation which will impact members for years and years to come.

It was my highest honor to count you as a mentor and serve in the chamber under you. I hope you won't mind me bending your ear from time to time for advice. Best of luck in your real life endeavors!


Jax, thank you for your years of service to this club. A void will be felt without your watching over us, and you truly are an irreplaceable member of this club. I always looked forward to the possibility of working with you, and it saddens me to see you have to step down. I hope everything IRL works out for you, and I wish you all the best.

the legendary has resigned... anyway thanks you and farewell Jac... eventhought i did not know u well but i still remember you as one of the great exodus clan with the others... fare well and focus on ur personal life with ur family... family always come first.... and also we the DJB members will always open door when ever u come back... cheer mate..

Ever since I joined the DB, I can only remember one thing: Jac is JST. The passing of an age, yadda yadda. I didn't know you personally and definitely not as well as I would've liked but I definitely know the time constraints that are required by both family and professional life. I think it's great that your professional life is taking off, but I am sad that you won't be our ceiling jac anymore.

Good luck sir, and thank you for everything.

Can't say anything remotely as well as that which has been said already. So I'll just leave with this, O7 Jac.

Jac will always be remembered as a Grand Master and Justicar who led our club through tremendous change and incredible growth, but I will always remember him for something more personal.

When I rejoined the DB in 2005 a lot of people treated me with suspension and outright contempt. Jac, however, treated me with kindness and openly welcomed me into his inner circle. He did this at a personal cost and at a cost to his overal popularity (many people still grumble about my retained DJM rank from the EH). Jac and I were not friends prior to this and quite frankly we were not even acquaintances. Regardless, Jim’s quick friendship then and his continued friendship over the past several years has been instrumental in my DB life. His kindness to me back then fundamentally changed my view on second/third/fourth chances and his behavior was a great example of how we should all strive to treat one another now.

That'll do Jac...that'll do.

10/4 good buddy

This club probably wouldn't exist today in a recognizable way without you, Jac. Thank you for everything.

Jac's work as JST really speaks for itself. A modernized Covenant, a renewed emphasis on rehabilitation of convicted members, and a long line of clearly-written, well-reasoned decisions. He's absolutely improved every aspect of the club he's touched, the CoJ very much included. On top of that, he's just a great person. Easy to like and great to work with.

Jac, it's been an honor and a pleasure to work with you. Best JST <3

Thank you for everything Jac. I wish you continued success in RL. The DJB is still here because of many of the veteran leadership that stuck up for justice on a club that sought to be about the members. You will always be held with high praise from me.

Sorry to see you go, Jac. Thank you for everything you've done for this club in the time you've given us.

We will miss you Ceiling Jac

The end of an age. Granted I have done a greater deal of reading about what you have done than experiencing it firsthand, but you really have had an awesome impact on the club. Your presence as JST will be missed, Jac.

Jac you have been an awesome and wonderful JST. You have done so much and have always been helpful. Thank you for your service.

Jac, you will be sorely missed, but as always, you have left the club better than when you joined the Council. Thank you for your service, but we both know you'll be hearing from me often enough that this isn't really goodbye. ;)


I have respected and admired few figures in my life so well as you. Thank you for that, for being yourself, for being someone worth looking up to. I think we'll all be a little jealous of your kids, but grateful we got any of your time at all, and especially grateful to have grown up either with you or knowing you.

We'll see you when you're around, my friend.

You’re the tops, buddy.

hugs Thanks Jac! Didn't know you personally but ur awesome :) thanks for everything you've done for the club!

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