Two million, it is a number of great importance to members of Clan Vizsla. It is a number which adds to the Clan's prosperity through the credits we hold so dear, but also a dedication, service, and Brotherhood that this club was founded on. Two million, it is the number we strive to achieve as it places us in the upper echelon of what the forefathers of Clan Vizsla had envisioned. A cemented legacy that will span the life of this club.
Two million credits, it is what our own, Shimrah, the Quaestor of Death Watch has added to the coffers. The first ad Vizsla was Zoron, now let the second be Shimrah.
It is with great honor I announce this milestone to you all. There isn't a whole lot that Shimrah hasn't had his hands in since his return. He has worked for the Exarch's office, is an appeals panelist, and Quaestor. On top of that, he has been the most active member of Clan Vizsla, hands down. He has participated in and run hundreds of competitions, earned medal after beautiful medal, and has worked his armor off as a leader for this Clan. He came back with a vengeance and hit the ground running with a goal in mind. A tenacity that I urge you all to learn from, to set goals and to work diligently until you accomplish them. I could talk for days on the value he brings to this Clan so this doesn't even begin to scratch the surface, but I say this with the utmost honesty. Shimrah is the type of member each and everyone one of us should strive to be!!
Wear your title proudly, brother. You have more than earned it. I'm proud of you and know that we will continue to see great things from you. Much respect.
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Make it rain!!!
Congrats Shim!
Shimrah, it’s awesome to see you reach the lofty 2 million! I’m glad to see you beside me in the ranks, and you’d better believe that your Vizsla Challenge Coin is first on the bar to pay for the rounds!
Dollah Dollah Bills yall
Grats Shimmy!
Good job, Shimrah!
Well done, Shim!
Congratulations mate