RoS: Escalation - TR Expansionist Clarification


RoS: Escalation - TR Expansionist Clarification


We noticed some confusion and consternation about the Tenixir Revenants' stance on slavery. We did not intend for the TR to be a monolithic pro-slavery foil to the SP. As such, we are adding some language to the Expansionists' description on the pledge page to clarify that the Expansionist sub-faction does not engage in slavery and is generally less violent than their Retributionist rivals. The Retributionists have no such qualms.

The new description is in italics below and will be on the pledge page when James gets a chance to update it:

Freed from the Principate's prisons, the Expansionist wing of the Tenixir Revenants is focused on building the Revenants into a society, and gathering the supplies, personnel, and territory to do so. The Expansionists want to carve out space for the Revenants to operate in peace and they believe that will be impossible as long as they are locked in conflict with the Principate. Although they believe a long-term peace with their enemies is necessary to achieve their goals, for now they are still pirates, smugglers, and reavers, partly by necessity but also by choice. Despite their line of work, they try to exercise the minimum degree of violence necessary and although they will ransom prisoners, they have sworn off slavery.

Thanks for the clarification, Bubba!

Sweet, good clarification to have in mind!

Thank ya for the clarity!

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