Satele Shan, A New Aedile Arises


Satele Shan, A New Aedile Arises

Satele Shan, A New Aedile Arises

A Fiction Thingy

New Tython


Jedi Citadel

Quaestor Office

The silver haired woman stood at attention in her Quaestor’s office. Her usual KUDF uniform replaced with non-descript military clothing. The former Imperial could not help but feel nervous as the last time she stood before the Satele Quaestor, Ooroo had been administratively separated from the Clan. The Mako whispered something to his companion, Lilly, as he handed the Mandalorian his lightsabers. As the younger woman walked from the room she paused briefly to lay a hand on Alethia's shoulder. The older woman glimpsed several things within the former Fade’s eyes, it was as if the Mandalorian was giving her a warning and pitying her at the same time.

As the door closed behind the other female, Alethia turned her attention back to Mako. The Quaestor approached slowly, his emerald eyes fixated upon Archenksova in a piercing glare. The woman’s heart speed up in a fight or flight response as the Krath drew near. Even without prior knowledge of his prowess for combat, Alethia would have recognized the danger he posed even unarmed.

“Your hands, let me see them,” the emotionless voice sent a tingle down the woman’s spine, nonetheless she complied. His touch was cold as his fingers lightly traced a straight line from her wrists, over her palms, ending at her own fingertips.

“Callouses from a lifetime of training, you will do fine,” Mako said slowly, thoughtfully, as he backed away from the Major.

“Do fine for what?”

“Oh, they failed to tell you why you were summoned?” The Quaestor’s head tilted slightly to the side as his eyes studied her face.

“They only said it was important, Sir.”

“As of right now, you are Satele Shan’s new Aedile. I will take care of the paperwork bringing you officially back into the Clan, as for you, get to work,” Alethia’s immediate elation at the news suddenly dipped into dread as the Mako finished speaking. Something in the back of her mind warned her it would be unwise to upset her new boss.

The Announcement

I would like to start by thanking all of those who applied, you should expect for me to send you detailed feedback within the next few days. You all had excellent applications and I had a hard time choosing which one I thought would be the best fit for the House and Clan as a whole. Each of you in my opinion, would have been excellent for the position or any other Aedile position that should present itself in the future. That said I would like to invite you all to congratulate Alethia Archenksova on being selected to be the next Aedile of House Satele Shan.

Mako Henymory

Quaestor, Satele Shan

Congrats Alethia!

Congrats Arch!

Congrats! #ArCOUnaMatata

Congratulations Arch!!!

Congrats Arch! I know you'll do great!

Congrats Arch!

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