Season 1: Parabellum


Season 1: Parabellum

Season 1: Parabellum

Welcome to the launch of the first cycle in our first season! The title of the season is "Parabellum" and it will run for approximately a year with breaks in-between cycles. As has been mentioned, this is not a Vendetta activity. Instead, this is a continuous activity pattern that will drive the fictional narrative of the club while providing opportunity for special rewards.

You can track your progress towards the scoring gates on the Season 1: Parabellum container via the featured trophy system located under the competition details! Your current trophy rank, progress towards the next rank, and the next rank's reward are all listed there.

Trophy Progress example

The Story Thus Far

The Severian Principate and their rapidly growing Council of Systems have faced yet another attack from unknown forces. Having decided to disarm following the events of Dandoran intrusting the Brotherhood with defending their borders, the Council of Systems has now realized they are too large to rely on the Brotherhood solely.

To that end they have voted to begin a rearmament of forces, once again leaning on the knowledge and resources the Brotherhood can provide them to do so. They promise to be a better ally with mutual defense, as well as sharing any advanced technological breakthroughs and training methods developed.

This was the lead-up to Resource Rush.

Fresh off the end of Resource Rush, the Brotherhood and Severian Principate have ordered a special training session for our growing forces. At the same time, an “unknown” party has put out feelers in Brotherhood systems about a big storehouse full of insane valuables and advanced tech.

Season 1: Parabellum - Cycle 1 begins tonight!

Major Links:

Seasonal Structure


  • Cycle 1: 2025/02/03 - 2025/03/02
  • Cycle 2: 2025/05/05 - 2025/07/27
  • Cycle 3: 2025/09/01 - 2025/11/30
  • Cycle 4: 2026/02/02 - 2026/03/29

Cycle Plot Pledge

Members participating within a Season have the opportunity to make a pledge of their activity towards a desired outcome for each cycle. In this way, member participation drives the fictional developments throughout a cycle.

Each singular participation within a recognized pillar of activity within the cycle (Fiction, Graphics, Gaming) counts towards a desired outcome for a maximum of 3 potential votes. Miscellaneous competitions don't count towards an outcome.


Competitions in each Cycle are divided into competition types, or 'bins'. The first time a member participates in a competition in each primary bin, excluding Miscellaneous, in a Cycle it counts towards that cycle's fictional path pledge.

Any active member of the club can participate in any competition released under the Seasons umbrella. That includes members of the Council, so long as they are not running that particular competition. Standard participation rules apply as per relevant activity policies and the details of each competition. Additionally, there will be no Clan restrictions when it comes to any team competitions.


Members will earn novae based on top placements overall in each pillar of activity, represented by the bins, in addition to standard placement crescents. Additionally, they will be awarded at the container level.

  • 1st place: 4 points
  • 2nd place: 3 points
  • 3rd place: 2 point
  • All other participants: 1 point
  • Ties will be broken by the number of competitions entered, broken further by the number of higher placements


If you find any errors in competitions or have questions about rules, please email myself, Bubba, and the competition organizers. Do not message us on Discord with questions, as it’s nearly impossible for us to track everything that way. Any updates or clarifications to competition rules will be announced on the news page.

We all hope you have as much fun participating in this event as we have had in conceiving and organizing it!

This is looking good


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