Seasons Payouts and Errata


Seasons Payouts and Errata


Seasons Parabellum Cycle 1 Payouts

Hello all, I’m gonna keep this short. Cycle 1 has ended and here’s some information regarding payouts for bonus credits.

For our members, your bonuses were paid out when you received the Trophy for participation. This automation process saves me from the dangers of carpal tunnel while writing checks.

Here’s some data regarding individual bonus pay outs.


Collectively, you all are 86k richer from participating in Cycle 1. That’s not a bad start! I expect to see those numbers really climb in Cycle 2.

For the clans, here is the official posting of the bonuses that will be paid out shortly.


5 out of the 7 clans attained the high participation mark. Good on you! Be sure to buy fancy new Planetary Assets or Ships with the cash!



Just a note on a few small changes that have recently been made.

  • Shockboxing Gloves and Crushgaunts have been changed from Size 2 to Size 1. IN short, in stead of buying a pair of gloves, you can now purchase them individually. There has been alot of expressed interest in people using a glove in one hand and another weapon in the other hand. That seemed reasonable to me. We have accommodated. Those of you that still have the Size 2 Shockboxing Gloves and Crushgaunts, your items are still valid. However, if you sell this version and decide to repurchase it, you will need to buy 2 to have a pair.
  • The Brotherhood-Issued Synergy CX-Series Commando Droid has been properly outfitted with weapons slots.
  • The Military Sphyrna-class Hammerhead Corvette had tweaks to its armament placement
  • The Slave Circuit upgrade has been split into 2 new items, Slave Circuit(Basic) and Slave Circuit(Advanced). The Basic version is a “Beckon call” and the advanced version is “Remote piloting”. They are rare and epic rarity, respectively.
  • James has added a link to the Item Prototype Approval Policy (And the Suggestion Form, which is at the bottom of the page) to the Top banner of the “Stores” page.


That’s all I have for this time. The Regent Staff and I are cooking up some new stuff, so keep your ears open for future news. Now, I have some checks to write.


Important Stuff n’ Things

Thank you for reading and remember: any questions relating to the Possessions system, item mechanics, or features can be emailed to Regent Staff at [Log in to view e-mail addresses].

Important Links:
* Item Research
* Item Stores
* Item Aspect Approval Policy
* Item Prototype Approval Policy
* Regent Suggestion Box
* Item Error Reporting Box

-The Usurper



First. And nice stimulus injection, gotta love more credits.

Nice work everyone! Thanks for the updates on possessions as well, RGT staff!

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