Spoiler Ban: Lifted 4 January 2016


Spoiler Ban: Lifted 4 January 2016



The spoiler ban across all Dark Jedi Brotherhood communications will be lifted on 4 January 2016; however, we will maintain the Telegram Spoiler channel for TFA discussions until 1 February 2016. This channel will remain the main TFA chat leaving #db available for Food Photos and Crossfit discussions. The Dark Council, Consuls, and Staff Google Group mailers will see this ban lifted as well as our Telegram channels.

Despite my official "lifting" of the spoiler ban, a Consul may set their own rules for their Telegram and their Google Group Mailers; however, we will not enforce spoiler topics with official JST interactions.

"This channel will remain the main TFA chat leaving #db available for Food Photos and Crossfit discussions."

Never let it be said that Pravus doesn't know his people.


We should all give Sarin a round of applause for actually reading every message on Telegram. And he makes it clear he's read it with a .

Or a T! Or a W!...or was that an M?!

If there was a like button, I would like this post.

twiddles his thumbs waiting for the spoiler ban to lift

("First one here, now on at work.")

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