Participate in our fiction, graphics and multimedia competition and with luck, and no small amount of skill, earn yourself a set of Custom Robes! Find the competitions through the links below:
Win points by placing in all three competitions. The member with the most points wins the grand prize. The competitions will last until the 31st of October.
Good luck spooks and have fun!
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AWWE YISSSS HALLOWEEN. I will do these things.
AW Yea :D
A bit confuzzled why there's an INQ tag on the fiction prompt, but intriguing stuff overall. For the lure of Custom Robes I will certainly hazzard a step outside my comfort zone with the multimedia competition.
SPOOOKY COOOMPS!!! Boo! Can't wait to sink my teeth into these!
Just to be clear, the party invitation HAS to be a video, we can't just draw something flyerish?
You can draw a flyer, as long as there are words/writing on it. That would combine writing and graphics.