Star Wars Celebration Update


Star Wars Celebration Update

Star Wars Celebration Update

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Road to Celebration

Thought I'd share all the information we're being sent as ticket-holders for the upcoming event.

In the lead-up to the April 16th - 19th 2015 event dates, Celebration will be running a series of events. The first is a Pin Trading program you can read about here.

If you're planning on attending, Pravus, Valhavoc, and myself will see you there.

Scary, right?


working it out so that I can be there. Just have to make the plan and stick to the saving the money. We wanted to head to Disneyland any way and our resort is only a few blocks from where this is. so our plan is to be there well at least I will. Also I will be dressing up! Cosplay all the way.

Unfortunately I wont be there (the States are a long way away...).

Someone comps my plane ticket, I'm there :D

Unfortunately studies bar me from coming to San Diego.

It is not in san diego. It is in Anaheim. Right by Disneyland!!!!!

Was trying to set up for it but plans fell through. Dang it

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