The spoiler ban across all Dark Jedi Brotherhood was lifted today (4 January 2016); however, we will maintain the Telegram Spoiler channel for TFA discussions until 1 February 2016. This channel will remain the main TFA chat leaving #db available for Food Photos, Crossfit discussions, and LARP trench coat photos . The Dark Council, Consuls, and Staff Google Group mailers will see this ban lifted as well as our Telegram channels.
Despite my official "lifting" of the spoiler ban, a Consul may set their own rules for their Telegram and their Google Group Mailers; however, we will not enforce spoiler topics with official JST interactions.
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Luke Skywalker's father is Darth Vader!
Pravus is a closet lightie.
Wait, that's not the spoiler I'm looking for. :P
I did not care for the overuse of Ewoks.
Food Photos shall commence! Bwhahah
I added in LARP photos for those of you who have recently decided to share your love of all things role play.