Voice Open for Applications


Voice Open for Applications


Shad has tendered his resignation as Voice due to real life time constraints. The position is now open for applications and will remain open until the end of the month. The Voice is one of the most difficult positions on the DC and requires a skilled writer and manager to handle the associated workload. Specific tasks moving forward.

1) Prepare the Dark Jedi Brotherhood Universe for the Upcoming Star Wars Movies 2) Finalize the Fiction Society and Present it to the Dark Brotherhood 3) Manage the Combat Master and Approve ACC/Character related sheet updates.

This is a tough job, but one that will be very rewarding. Please submit your application to Mav and I. As always, we reserve the right to make an early selection, so don't wait until the last day.

*Shad will remain positioned to handle the administrative Voice tasks until a replacement is named.

Thanks for the work so far, Shad. All the best to you and the next Voice.

Thank you Shad!

Thanks Shad! It was a pleasure working with you!

Thanks for all your hard work Shad!

Thanks for all the hard work and good luck to the next VOICE!

Thank you for all the hard work you have done, Shad.

Thanks for everything, Shad!

Thank you Shad,

It's been awesome getting to know you better by working with you rather than against you (in competition). I have to say I enjoy the former much more ;). Thanks again, Shad!

Thanks, Shad :>

Thank you so much for your hard work, Shad. Your selfless personality and open heart will stick with me.

Indeed, thanks boss!

There are times when I get along with people incredibly well, or unbelievably bad. Shadow has been both, but here's the thing: Shadow doesn't hold a grudge, and not getting along with him is usually caused by a perceived threat to the Brotherhood or its members. Shadow is, without a doubt, a dedicated servant of the Brotherhood. He impressed me when I first began playing JO, and he was one of those who willingly gave time and patience to mentor me as a new gamer. I respected him then, and I do so now.

Shadow is a giver to the Brotherhood, and his service is appreciated. He expects the best from himself and others, and will remove himself from a situation if he sees himself as a problem. He has no ego when it comes to positions, because he's held so many. He's certainly been a valuable member of the Club, and no doubt a pillar of Taldryan.

Thanks for all you've done, Lord Phallus of Obelisk.

From my interactions with you, Shad, you've always been easy going and personable. Those were great qualities that made you approachable and great to work for and with. Good luck with whatever you set your mind to and thanks for being you.

Thrusty thrust. Well played old bean. Thanks for doin' your thang. With your wang.


I hope the next Voice is as level-headed and easy to talk to about fiction stuff...

Thanks Shad.

Sorry to see you step down, Shad. I've really appreciated your input on course ideas and the fiction/gaming degree changes.

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