Greetings E-Sports fans!
BGL Commish here with a full update on the upcoming Stage of Season One!
Some of you have already signed up for the next round of Jedi Academy (a while ago, and I will be reaching out to make sure you still want in, but the rest of you have SEVEN DAYS to get yourselves locked in for the beginning of Round Two. I will be locking sign-ups on American Independence Day at server reset.
You can sign up for that here!
(Note: You will have to select “Current Standings” from the bottom tab)
Jedi Academy Champions Tournament Standings
Heroes of the Storm Champions Tournament Standings
Overwatch - PC - Champions Tournament Standings
Overwatch - PS4 - Champions Tournament Standings
Hearthstone Champions Tournament Standings
You’ve heard me talk about special Champions Tournament Awards before and I have more details on them now. We’re still working out specific details, but I CAN tell you that the Winner of each Champions Tournament will receive a Dossier Accessory AND a Title. In order to qualify for the Champions Tournament you must participate in one of the Three Qualifying Rounds and accumulate CT Points. “MORE than just a Diamond Crescent you say? A chance to show off your gaming superiority you say?” Yes, I do!
Something I’ve been wanting to do for some time is develop a DB Specific Twitch Account. In the future, some select matches and Round/Champions Finals will be streamed live (with consent from participants). It’s also my intention to start delivering these updates LIVE from Twitch (which, I will of course, save and post on the News Page for those who are not there to see it live). I will be using that time to answer any questions that you may have about the Brotherhood Gaming League or indeed Gaming in the Brotherhood at all.
I have the honour to be your obedient servant,
A (dot) Jinn
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