FIST Gaming Network #8


FIST Gaming Network #8


August Gaming News and Updates

Since the Great Jedi War was delayed, the FIST staff has been creating as much content as we can for the members of the DJB. Drac is running and Flash Tournament, I’m running a HotS tournament, Uji is running a batch of Destiny comps and Juna is running comps in Overwatch and Battlefront. It’s our pleasure to bring you content for you to enjoy and participate in.

Although one of the most popular question/complaints we get is why do all the gaming comps have to be run by the FIST staff? Well, they don’t, in fact, let me remind you to reread Drac’s 8th Report. Specifically the section about gaming comps, but the jist of it is this. We in the FIST office welcome and want to see more member created comps, you can run them for your BT, House, Clan or even DJB wide.

For DJB wide competition you will be more than welcome to advertise your comps in DB gaming and feel free to use the new discord voice server to communicate with others playing for the competition. If we are able to, we might even promote your comp in one of our reports as well.

So if you have a new or cool idea you want to run as a gaming comp then, by all means, go for it. Just make sure you follow FIST and MAA guidelines and you should be fine. Also if you have any questions feel free to email the FIST staff using the FIST email address listed at the end of this report.

** Also one more time here is a friendly reminder from the FIST Staff ** - Please make sure you update your dossiers to include ALL of your gamer ID’s (i.e. PSN ID, Steam ID, XBox Gamertag, Force Arena and so on). Submissions have been and will be delayed if one member is missing their info. So please double check to make sure it’s listed and if you're playing with a new member please help them edit their dossiers correctly.


News and Updates for DJB Gamers

  • As always make sure you read up on Drac’s latest reports - Fist 11, Fist 11.1 and FIST 11.2. As a Quick run down - the Q3 FIST comp are skill based and are not a cluster races, Magistrate rotation has changed, goodbye teamspeak / hello Discord (telegram is not replaced), HotS gets PoB’s and we have a new approved JA server.

  • Battlefront 2 - Is coming and according to some recent News there will be “Vastly Improved” Air combact , there will be a gameplay reveal on August 22nd and don’t forget to go here for the Beta Details. The Beta will be Oct 4 to the 9th (if you preorder) and 6th to the 9th for everyone. Oh and yes the Starfighter Assault mode will be available during the Beta.

The game will be released on November 17, 2017, for PC, Ps4, and XB1.

  • Diablo 3 - Just in case you didn’t know Season 11 is now live and the FIST staff is running skill challenges for it (check out the competition section for details).

  • Heroes of the Storm added yet another new Character Garrosh. Also, don’t forget if you're a Twitch Prime member and link your blizzard account you can get FREE legendary Loot chests starting August 17th.

The HotS tournament is going into its final Matches who will take the big prize? Will it be Jafits Skrumm, Aiden Dru, Evelynn Wyrm or Sanguinius Entar? I’ll just say good luck guys!

And in the latest news from the PTR comes Deathmatch adds new modes to Overwatch. Compete to get 20 kills in a 1 v 7 match. So this is like Hero Hunt in BF and if you're interested go check it out on the Public Test Server. There is also a Team Deathmatch as well. Not to mention buffs to Junkrat and Widowmaker, plus a bunch of other tweaks. Reminder New Modes aren’t automatically supported, once these modes are live the FIST staff will look them over and make a decision on how to proceed.

  • Destiny 2’s PC beta is coming and will include lessons learned from the console Beta test. Early Access to the Beta is August 28th and if you want to know more details and the min specs to run it then click here

The Game Launches on Sept 6th on consoles and Sept 24th for the PC.


Gaming Deals - A place where if I find a good sale I’ll pass it along.

  • IGN has a nice Deals page which lists some of the web’s biggest gaming deals.

  • Also Reddit has a gaming sales page.

  • Good Old Games is a good site to find older games for a good price. Every now and then the Old Star Wars games do go on sale so keep an eye out.

  • Steam as always has something on SALE. BTW if you're not already in the DJB Steam group let us know.

  • Also check out the weekly and monthly Humble bundles, this month offers one of my favorite games Killing Floor 2!


Gaming Comps

  • GMRG Gorefest 2017 - All your Gorefest needs in one handy container! Double Clusters for all GMRG members. If you're not a member take the GMRG History SA COURSE, now! August’s Gorefest is this coming weekend August 17th to the 20th! Go get your double clusters.!

  • FIST: Quarterly Gaming Challenge Q3 2017 - As per Drac’s report by the time this kicks off again there will be new more challenging comps for you to sink your teeth into. You never know what will be in there so go check it out.

  • FIST - 2nd Annual Mobile Gaming - Another year of Mobile games.

  • FIST - 1st Annual Flash Gaming - Now Monthly Flash Games.

  • Destiny 1 Send Off - Since Destiny 2 is coming in a few short weeks. We thought it’d be fun to run some competitions for the first game. So come celebrate all the fun of the first game before you move on to the second.

  • Overwatch - Lucioball - Part of the new Overwatch Summer event. This fun version of soccer is back! Win as many games as you can for this comp!

  • Diablo 3 - Season 11 - A series of competitions to challenge even the most experienced D3 player. The challenge changes weekly so you never know what’s next.

  • Battlefront: Cargo - The beginnings of a Battlefront 2 Hype train starts with some Battlefront 1 fun. Get out there and grab the Cargo!

Member Created competitions


Important FIST Information

Below are all the links you will ever need to either contact the FIST staff, join a gaming channel, look up a rule or game mode cluster value. I will update this as needed with each report.

  • Rites of Combat - is the place to find all the rules for gaming in the DJB.
  • FIST-o-matic - a quick guide on how to use the Telegram fistbot.
  • Pendant of Blood - how to earn PoB’s.
  • Cluster Tables - is the place to find out what game mode offers what Cluster (Earth and Fire) value.
  • Tier 1 and Teir 2 games - is the complete list of all our approved game AND SAMPLE SCREENSHOTS! Not sure what shot to submit look HERE!
  • Offical voice chat was moved to Discord, Click here for the invite link or just go to the wiki page. Ensure you put your DJB Dossier PIN on your Discord profile. Individuals without valid PINs will be asked to add them, and removed if they fail to comply.

How to contact the FIST staff anytime using these methods:




Awesome report Edgar!! Great info and thanks again for developing the PoB's for HotS. :)

Nice report!

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