Fist Update #2.5 - Dauntless


Fist Update #2.5 - Dauntless

Update from the Wrath

Good evening, Gamers!

As you’ve no doubt seen, Dauntless is our Single Player entry in this phase’s gaming bracket. The Competition Details say that you have to ruin pursuits, but they do NOT say they have to be solo pursuits. Solo Pursuits are extremely difficult for most people to run, especially early on in their career. You can join a regular 4-person Pursuit to hunt down the Behemoths. Also, there is nothing saying you can’t team up with other DBers to help you as well.

If you do this option, each participant must submit their own screenshots.

Remember: Do not subscribe until you’re ready to start your hunt.


If you have any other questions about the Fist’s Office, GJW Gaming, or Gaming in general, don’t hesitate to fire me an e-mail: [Log in to view e-mail addresses].

Good hunting,


  • A. Jinn

Hmm, so, I'll post here. Member x is the only member running the comp for speed. But he groups up with his DJB guild members who are going to help him in the quest. Now....everyone that grouped with him knows the sequence of monsters before they subscribe for the event. That okay?

So, looking for some clarity related to a situations. My personal opinion is that this shouldn’t be allowed, but based on what’s written here and in Telegram I think that it is allowed. The only opinion that matters in this situation is the Fist's so I’m asking this question because I don’t want to cross a line, but I also don’t want to handicap myself based on my own beliefs. For clarity, I have not subscribed and do not know any details of this event.

Member A is already a high level player and completes the competition. Now that they know the targets they craft gear specific to the targets or objectives. Member A groups with 3 others from their Clan who know that they've done the event and can carry them. The new 3 subscribe, then Member A starts the first Hunt and they burn through as fast as possible. Member A repeats this until everyone in their Clan is through. Is this ok?

cool, thnx 4 clarifying this

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