Some news about the titled platforms. Currently Blizzard has Diablo III (and expansion) on sale for 50% off! That's one heck of a deal, but its only running until October 6th. Get in on it while its still available if you're interested.
In Star Wars Commander News we have two things.
First, the Escalation on Dandoran Campaign will be ending in just over 12 hours. Don't forget to snag your screenshots to upload to our competition!
Second, we have another DJB Star Wars Commander Squad to add to our roster. Brimstone had checked the PC version and it apparently isn't on the same servers as the mobile one, so he created a Squad for it. Out current Roster of available Squads is as follows:
Empire: (Mobile)
Rebels: (Mobile)
Empire (PC)
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Thanks for posting this Val, the campaign is ending in 25 minutes for me so I would have not taken my screenshot if not for this :P
I only made it to Mission 50. Not having the Hero AT-AT hurt me in the end, time to do more base upgrades while I wait for the next Campaign. Drives me crazy not getting the unlocks for the new units.
I only managed to finish mission 24. I was only level 4 and got to a point where my troops just weren't strong enough... and the build time for a level 5 HQ was 4 or 5 days... which I am still 6 hours away from finishing lmao.
Managed to finish it, but not with enough stars throughout to get the reward unit, though it didn't really impress me when I tried it when they give it to you for a couple missions.
make sure, when requesting to join, send id#
They put android OS users at a bit of a disadvantage on this campaign. Just not enough time between release and the start to have a strong and thriving base running. For those Rebellion fans, we still have room for more as last count we are at 16 members strong. Come out and show the Rebels some love too!
plus, being i'm on for a limited time during week, need more in so i can make officers to allow others in
Seraphol, add the Windows 8 folks to that list, they got it at the same time as Android.
But, let this be a warning, pretty much all of us have it now. STart leveling for the next campaign: don't wait for it to start before you get into it.
Seems you made it as far as I did Solari, we must be on the same track :p
Yea Ive been alternating between Campaign missions and the normal ones. Its helped me boost my base up so that when I get to the pesky "Build X to level y" missions its already done.
Just to throw this out there. Would someone be so kind to draft up some kind of guide for the newbies? I know we have google and such these days but Im sure that there is some Journeyman out there that knows this stuff and needs a merit award for a promotion. :P
Not a frequenter on the forums, eh? :P
For-ums?...Oh you mean the old form of communicating things to large masses. No I actually havent been on the DJB forums since around 2006-ish. Guess I should go more often now. :P
What are members names in the squad? I joined Dark-Brotherhood and don't see any names I recognise. Look out for me, my ID is Heather.
I guess I should finally suck it up and get the D3 expansion.
It's good, Teylas :)
I haven't been super impressed by either of the campaign special unlocks, though make sure to spend your points on something as they do not seem to carry over. Basically playing for the CFs!
I was more interested in the Storm Trooper than the Tie Advanced. Maybe next campaign.
Ya, the store closes in about 20 hours (so... noon MST on October 4). Even that storm trooper I've only used a few times - I just find it a little weak, but I'm probably not using it totally correctly. I'm slowly finding the weaknesses in a lot of the units are really not offset by complementary units, which is what made getting 3-stars through this last campaign impossible. Too many turrets that just wreck anything and everything to be able to effectively deal with the NPC bases without spaceship strikes, which are absurdly expensive.