Star Conflict Test Run!


Star Conflict Test Run!


Over the last few weeks there have been a few requests to look into Star Conflict (a Free to Play Space Sim available on Steam) as a potential platform for the Brotherhood. After talking with some folks I think we have a potential way to gauge this activity, and this Wednesday will mark the start of a competition to determine if there is enough interest within the Club to bring Star Conflict on as a full Platform.

First, how would you ever find another person to play this game with? Well there's a few options in place. There's a Forum Post for people to list their Star Conflict Info in that I just created in the Gamer ID Information Subform of the Gaming Forums. Additionally the Contact Methods Tab for each of your Clans/Houses will show you if other members have added a Steam ID to their account. Lastly, you can always just post in the comments of this News Post. Unfortunately (or fortunately?) in a few days this News Post will probably be onto the 2nd page, so please consider the previous options as well as adding comments here so others can find you.

So now you know how to track each other down, I'm sure you're wondering how to participate once you're in game? I could send you to the competition page I suppose... but this News Post will have all the details and a few pretty pictures as well. So that makes it better right?

During the Competition Clusters of Fire will be earned by playing Star Conflict PVP Matches. The member with the most Clusters of Fire earned from this activity will win the competition.

A match will be considered eligible to earn CFs if there are two (2) or more DJB Club Members in the match together. At least one kill OR one assist must be earned by each of the members for the match to qualify. Up to 12 matches per day may be played with the same group of members, changing this group resets the counter.

Example: Muz, Raken, and Pravus play 10 games together. Then Muz needs to go do GM work so he logs off. Raken and Pravus can play 12 games together. If Muz comes back and joins them later he can play two more games with them (to total at 12).

Submit requests for Clusters of Fire through the normal process. Choose PVE and Star Conflict PVP Match under the Matchmaking option. A screenshot of the PVP Match Statistics Screen is required, check out the example at the end of this News Post.

Each match will earn 1 CF for the purposes of this Competition. This may be re-evaluated if Star Conflict becomes a supported platform.


Aww yea. Awesome pew-pew time

I have played Star Conflict since launch and have logged many many hours in game. The game play has change dramatically but it's a pretty good game.

So having a good knowledge of this game it could work for us for activity and comps ... There is the ability for Custom Matches where we can set up a pure DJB match maybe house vs house or HOU vs the DJB. HOU HYPE!!!! So I'm down for this and am willing to help others earn some cf;s too. BTW if your new to the game there is a steep learning curve plan on getting your butt kicked a bit before you get your groove on.

A suggestion would be to have all DJB interested to join the DJB Steam group too that would be helpful to find people playing SC.

I play - hit me up :)

My ID is Heatherleoni - downloading now :)

In game you can find me under name of "Zoron", so just send me a friend request there too.

My Steam Profile is Starkillerny

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