This morning we created the first competition specifically for the Star Wars Commander Windows based Game. I just submitted it, so its in MAA review right now but should be live soon. Later today the Heroic Defense Challenge event will start in game, and the competition will be run mirroring what we conducted for Mobile players. Now to get the dirty part out of the way:
NOTE: This is for the Windows Version of the game. Screenshots will be checked to ensure no duplicate submissions were made to the Mobile Version Competition. If duplicate screenshots are found the submission will be marked invalid, and a warning issued. If a repeat incident occurs from the same individual the Fist and Justicar will meet to determine the appropriate response.
The member who earns the most Stars in the final eight (8) Missions will win. Ties will be broken by first to submit screenshot on to this Competition.
Moving on, here are the details for the competition. This competition is for the Star Wars Commander Windows Game. The competition will be extended if the Campaign lasts beyond the end date.
Good luck DJB!
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Where can we get the PC version for Star Wars Commander?
It's the windows phone version. You can also run it on windows 8 and above via the app store.
I use bluestacks app player. Has always worked pretty well for me.
I never actually got bluestacks to work for me so I uninstalled it, but bluestacks will play the android version of Commander which doesn't apply here. This news post and the competition though are talking about the Windows Phone version of Commander.
To be honest it says for PC. The only way you can get this game for PC is via the bluestacks app. So that means I can't take part?
Yep, same here. Bluestacks is the only way without a windows phone or windows 8.1. I run windows 7. I call for false advertising! :p
You guys are crazy. It clearly says Windows Phone / Windows 8.1.
walks away whistling innocently
Thanks to all this talk about bluestacks app player, I've now got my Galactic Defense save back since my work phone transformed into a windows phone.
Erm not GD (still working on that one) but I'm back in on commander!
GD blows now, cant play 2 minutes without it freezing up my phone and crashing. Still waiting for the fix, since a few months ago i was able to play it just fine. Sadly it seems i'll need to wait till next year before they get to it i guess.