Star Wars Galactic Defense: Legends of Endor Competition


Star Wars Galactic Defense: Legends of Endor Competition

Earlier today the Star Wars Galactic Defense game began a new event, Legends of Endor. Each day everyone is given some event tickets, which allow you to play challenges to earn Event Points. The DJB Competition to this is related to earning the most Event Points you can over the course of the 5 day event. If you rank high at the end of each day you advance to a new Tier, which will be full of others who are also competing fiercly. Clusters of Fire will be awarded to all participants based on the highest Tier they reach.

If you're able to reach the top position of the Platinum Tier by the end of the event you'll unlock a special maximum skill level champion. This event's champion is Admiral Piett, who you can level to 60 without using additional recruitment pods!

The competition is available here, but you have all the necessary information from this news post to begin the climb for a Second Level Crescent and Admiral Piett Champion. Good luck!

Oh, and go read the awesome GJW fiction that Pravus just posted below this. You know you want to.

Legends of Ernor?

So far Bronze has been cake, and silver looks the same.

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