SWTOR Subscriber Rewards and Facebook


SWTOR Subscriber Rewards and Facebook

Get SWTOR Galactic Strongholds Goodies

And email went out today advertising some bonus rewards for subscribing to SWTOR before certain dates. If you're wanting to make the most of the upcoming expansion you may want to have a read of the details on the SWTOR site.

The biggest reward is, subscribe before May 11th to get "FIVE ROOMS UNLOCKED WITH YOUR NAR SHADDAA SKY PALACE – Valued at 4,000,000 Credits!"

Note that the expansion won't actually be available until late August for subscribers.

Galactic Living: Nar Shaddaa Sky Palace Video

Consider yourself formally and aggressively accosted to be more social

Two calls to actions:

Please visit our Facebook page, and like it if you're so inclined. We're starting to see some traction there, and with only a few likes and shares thrown around we're reaching a reasonably large audience for such a small page. Take Yacks' announcement of the Episode VII cast, over 700 people saw that through likes and shares alone.

Also check out our deviantART group, become a member, leave a comment, and let the HRLD staff or I know if you have any work you want to get added to the group.

Also, feel free to click any of these shiny buttons ;)

Follow the Dark Jedi Brotherhood

deviantART icon from http://www.designbolts.com Twitter icon from http://www.designbolts.com Facebook icon from http://www.designbolts.com Google+ icon from http://www.designbolts.com YouTube icon from http://www.designbolts.com RSS icon from http://www.designbolts.com

Also... mumble, mumble, Yacks post...


This is a stupid question, but if I've currently got a sub, as long as I maintain it, I get these rewards as well... right?

Yeap, exactly right.

Makes me wish i still played SWTOR and still had a facebook

Farrin, If you currently have a sub and its been sitting for ages, you can be a rich man by using cartel coins to buy stuff and selling it on GTN...

Armags, I didn't keep the sub active unfortunately, and the cartel coins I had accrued I had to spend getting my old level 50 moved to our server from the one I used to play on. :(

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