Telegram for all DJB Gamers!


Telegram for all DJB Gamers!


No not an old fashioned letter from Western Union, but an application that has picked up popularity recently that is great for mobile group communication. This is similar to WhatsApp, but allows anonymity, allows you to search and send GIFs from GIPHY, and other exciting features. We previously had an Unofficial DJB Gaming Chat on WhatsApp that is going to be replaced by DJB Gamers Lounge on Telegram. This is merely for chatting leisurely with other gamers, talking about games, and trying to find times and people to play with for games like Destiny, Diablo 3, etc. This DOES NOT count for matchmaking. All PvP matches must have challenges in #dbgaming on IRC. Seek out Ernordeth, Val, or any other games to get added to our group! Or join [here - Log in to view join link] And for fun enjoy this image of Battlefront coming out in November!


This is great. Always good to have another laid back place. Even better to have one for gaming. :)

The Invite Link in the News Post here is an extremely convenient way to join. Just saying :)

That is awesome!

This is win. Hehe. Do mute the group though.. between the DJB chat, the clan chat and now gaming chat, phone is ringing off the hook :p

ring ring Marcus. Ring ring.

Marcus speaks the truth. Mute FTW.

Game Chat is up to 32 members already and DB Chat is at 85.

Telegram kicking some butt!

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