Orv's Killer Results + New Staff Members


Orv's Killer Results + New Staff Members

Congrats to Shad on winning the "Hunt a Killer" competition that was tied into our last fiction release. The story was a first person adventure that lasted 27 pages and was extremely entertaining. Shad's fiction has been dubbed CANON by the Voice and we will be swiping bits and pieces of it for future story lines.

Kazmir finished second, A'lora an even closer third. Crescents are in the mail.

Also, Mav and I have decided to hire two new staff members to help out with the massive amount of fiction and wiki work we are undertaking. Congrats to Syntari and Rax on their selection to the Voice staff as Magistrates. Your dossiers should be updated soon(ish).

Congrats to everyone who participated/placed and Syntari and Rax for getting hired to do dirty Voice work! Good job :P

any chance to read it?

I think the entries (or some of them) are listed in the Hunting a Killer competition page. But, I've also added the pdf to drop box (google drive was being mean to me). If interested, you can check it out: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/26501842/Hunting%20a%20Killer%20-%2084.pdf

This new persona was based on a storyline I had worked on throughout the Dark Crusade (or what I was around for), so you might have to read this blurb to understand a bit of it: http://wiki.darkjedibrotherhood.com/view/Aidan_Kincaid#Behind_the_Scenes Sarin, unfortunately, got to read all of my DC fictions so he already had some insight into what was going on :P

I'm pretty self-conscious of my writing and I don't feel like my writing is anywhere near good enough to post for public viewing.
Congratulations to Shad and A'lora for placing, and to the newest members of the Voice staff.

good story

Congrats to all!

Nice work Kaz! Hard to compete with a walking fiction legend, but great work. Same for you, Alora.

Welcome to the team, Syn/Rax.

My fictional fiction should totally have won fiction legend canonness. (No, it really shouldn't have, it was terrible :P)

Grats to all the winners and commiserations to the new Voice drones :D

Wally, I kind of rushed the ending. So who knows what might have happened.

Wally, I kind of rushed the ending. So who knows what might have happened.

Yay fictiony things. Congrats to Syntari and Rax.

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