A new city on Tarthos (and a QUA steps down)


A new city on Tarthos (and a QUA steps down)

New Eden

Planet Tarthos

Orian System

The blood red TIE makes a slow pass above the glistening white beaches at 1,000 feet. Resort goers of all shapes, sizes, and species are enjoying the warm, moderate surf the beaches of New Eden has to offer. The TIE adjusts course that should lead it from Section One into the heart of the city, above the Golden Mile. Here, countless restaurants and entertainment venues surround six major casino hotels along the Mile. The elite of the galaxy test their luck, winning or losing fortunes in a day that common citizens will never see in a lifetime of hard work. Hundreds of millions of credits flow through each large casino on a daily basis. Millions more through the entertainment venues and high-end restaurants. And House Marka Ragnos gets a percentage of all of it.

The TIE finishes its course through Section Two and begins to head over towards the massive spaceport of Section Three. Ships of all sorts can be found here representing every ship building firm in the galaxy. Luxury taxi and speeder services are at a constant flow into and out of the spaceport. A modified civilian version of a Carrack Cruiser rests on one of the capital ship pads just off to the side, it’s hull devoid of armament. The TIE maintains course and leaves the spaceport behind as it angled towards a large structure further in the distance.

A smaller spaceport lay ahead, but this one was controlled exclusively by forces of House Marka Ragnos. The structure has three starship landing pads to its North and a large hanger for starfighters on it’s eastern flank. To its south lay a sizeable garage that holds the House’s tanks, walkers and other vehicles for its defense. Barracks are set up on the western edge of the building with enough bunks to hold a thousand troops.

The TIE engages it’s repulser coils and slows it’s forward movement into the open hangar bay. The blood red starfighter eases onto its landing struts as it sets down. The engines shut down just before the hatch was popped open. A pilot in a red Imperial TIE Pilot suit exits the ship and quickly jumps down onto the deck. A deck officer approaches and salutes the pilot. A return is given.

“Report” says the pilot, removing his helmet and tossing it back up into the open cockpit.

“Sir, garrison is running smoothly. All equipment is operational and patrols have reported nothing out of the ordinary.” Says the deck officer.

“Are the turbolaser batteries finished?” asks the pilot as he begins to walk towards the turbolift.

“No sir, but we’re still on schedule to be completed by the end of the week.” Replies the junior officer.

“Understood. News from New Eden?” askes the pilot as he runs his gloved fingers through his short hair.

“Operations there are running smoothly. Construction of homes along the east and west coastline of the peninsula are continuing at a constant rate. The latest percentage payment from the casinos just hit our account. It is up twenty percent over last week. The hotels are running close to full occupancy every night, sir.”

“Excellent. This venture is paying off quicker than expected. How long, at this rate, will it take to pay off any outstanding debt we have incurred?” the pilot askes as the lift doors close.

“At present projected rate? Three months, believe it or not.” Replies the officer, smiling. He scanned further down on his datapad before adding. “Oh! One last thing. A new species of fish has been discovered off the eastern shore of New Eden a few dozen miles. It’s a fish that apparently attempts to knock beings off of the deck of sailing and repulsor ships. It is called the Striped Diablo fish by the fishing charters because it has knocked off four beings, and apparently ate them upon entering the water. It’s actually becoming quite the sport fishing craze.”

“Hmm. Interesting. Thank you, Lieutenant.” Said the pilot as the doors opens and he walks off the lift. He makes his way to a small office close to the Command Room. He opens the door and saw a human rise to his feet and gives a nod.

“Quaestor, Hades.” Says the Aedile of House Marka Ragnos, Augur Locke. Hades smiles and nods before motioning Locke to sit.

“What do you think of the place?” Warlord Hades asks as he takes off the bulky chest piece of the suit before sitting down behind the desk. Hades met Locke’s eyes as the younger man began to respond.

“It’s more impressive than I thought when you first mentioned this…endeavor.” Locke carefully began. “I just wished you would have talked to me about it, first.” Hades smirked.

“I started this, endeavor as you call it, before you became AED. Once I saw what changes had occurred on the planet and especially on Lugar Mau, I saw the opportunity for our House and also for Naga Sadow as a whole. So, I seized it and began negotiations. Everything fell into place after that.” Said Hades as he sorts through a few data pads on the desk. He grabs one and taps it to the data consul to his right until it beeps. He then tosses it to Locke.

“What’s this?” askes his AED. “That, is the profit we earned from the casinos.” Hades replies.

“That’s not bad income for the house for the past month or two.” Locke says nodding.

“That is actually from the past week, Locke.” Hades says with a small grin.

“Wait, seriously? Hmm.” Hades could see Locke take a more detailed look.

“Yes, my friend. And that is even after we send a 15% cut to the clan.” Hades stands and points to the datapad in Locke’s hands. “With this, we can grow the other cities on Tarthos and even our fleet.”

“Okay, so it’s not so bad.” Locke said as he looks to Hades. The Quaestor was pouring himself a drink and offers one to Locke, who declines with a shake of the head. He takes a small sip before taking a deep breath and let it out. He turns back to Locke.

“There is a few more days of work here on New Eden before the place should be able to run itself for awhile. After that, you shouldn’t have any issues with this place. The house is another matter, but that’s up to you.”

“What are you talking about?” Locke said, a look of concern overtaking his face.

“I have to leave for a while and I’ll be out of touch. You’ll be in charge when I go.” Hades says, looking down at his glass.

“For how long?” Locke asked.

“I’m not sure. It could be weeks but it might be months.” Hades said looking back up at his friend.

“Well, yeah I can handle things while you’re gone I guess.” Locke replies.

“No, Locke. I mean I am stepping down as Quaestor of Marka Ragnos and I want you to take over as QUA.” Hades added, locking eyes with Locke. The younger man stood.

“I.. are you sure?” Locke asked.

“Yes. It’s yours if you want it. Consul Bentre already gave his blessing.” Hades smiled a bit.

“I would be honored.” Locke says. Hades extends his hand and the soon-to-be former AED accepts it.

“Where are you going?” he asks.

“Headmistress Ciara has tracked down an old friend of ours but can’t get away from the Dark Council long enough to make contact in person. She needs their help. She asked me if I could go in her stead. I accepted. Besides, it was time for someone new anyhow. It’s not like you haven’t done this before.” The two share a laugh.

“It’s been a pleasure, Hades.” Locke says with a nod.

“Same here. And I’ll be back. I have to watch over this monstrosity.” Hades returns the nod.

“I guess I need to go see the Consul.” Locke says, moving towards the door.

“One last thing. I mentioned growing the fleet. When your shuttle breaks atmo, our fleet should have an extra light cruiser if you look closely.” Hades gives his last smirk.

“Good investment.” Locke says with a smile before exiting the office. Hades turns to look out the window before downing the rest of his drink.

“Ok. That’s enough of that. I have a mission to plan.”

**There be a new city on Tarthos! **

After a lot of writing and re-reading and editing I can finally publish a new wiki entry for New Eden! This city is located on the tip of the eastern peninsula of Lugar Mau landmass on Tarthos. Due to deep core mining going on for many years on Tarthos, geothermal activity has begun to change parts of the planet. Volcanoes have formed at the center of Lugar Mau while thermal vents have sprung up in the sea east. These events have changed the climate to a tropical setting. The sea has slowly warmed up over the past few years to a balmy 27 degrees Celsius which is near perfect resort weather. So a new city was built. Part Las Vegas part Miami, this new playground for the galaxy’s elite will serve as an amazing backdrop for all sorts of possible storylines for the house and clan. And where there’s lots of money, you can bet there will be an underworld element which can be a lot of fun. You can read the full wiki here: https://wiki.darkjedibrotherhood.com/view/New_Eden

**A new Quaestor **

This has been a long time coming. With classes starting again at a new and more intense school, attached with two other volunteer positions, and knowing I will not be able to communicate as much with everyone because of the move to Discord, I knew I would not have time to devote to the DB. I dislike the mobile version of Discord and will not run it on my phone. So I am stepping down. Luckily Consul Bentre found a new, experienced Quaestor in Augur Locke. He has been a great AED and friend since he joined the summit. There is no doubt that HMR will be in great hands with him. Congrats Locke! I will still be around, lucky you. I hope to advise both the house and clan leadership on fleet and ground forces purchases moving forward.

Thank you being a great house. I can’t wait to see what Locke can do with us in the future. (not that way, Locke)

Sad to see you go, Hades.

Congratulations to Locke! I can't wait to see what you accomplish!

Can't believe I missed commenting on this. Late I know but I did send some PM's. Thanks Hades for everything you have done!

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