As you most likely have heard by now Matt, known as Sarin/Declan/Pravus to us, has become one with the Force. We ask that you do not reach out or try to send your condolences to his family. However please feel free to leave your goodbyes as comments below, for his family if they wish to read them and know how much Matt was loved by and will be dearly missed by us.
Sarin was a lifelong member of the Brotherhood, spending a large portion of that time in our upper level leadership. His positive impact on the Club as a whole is something the vast majority of us will never know the full extent of.
I had the privilege of calling Matt a friend, a confidant, and a mentor. Being able to work with him during the founding of Vizsla and since then was a blessing. He would often remind me we come from the same hometown. I wish I could have gotten to spend more time gaming and in voice chat with him.
Matt was not just one of our founders and first Consul, he was also the one of the first who began to develop the proposal for the formation of Clan Vizsla. He spearheaded the process and brought the rest of the founding members together. Without his sage guidance and drive we would never have become a clan. Since that initial founding period he continued to give guidance and leadership to us.
I wanted to award Matt with Ad Vizsla. However he was adamant that Ad Vizsla would only ever be awarded via earning credits for the clan. While respecting his wishes we still feel the need to honor him in some small way. As such we have come up with a variation of the clan title. Matt will remain forever Immortalized in our hearts and minds for the positive impact he had on us. Thus we, Clan Vizsla, declare Declan Roark to be Ad Vizsla Immortalis. May his memory forever stay with us and help to guide us. This is the way.
Mako Henymory
Proconsul of Clan Vizsla
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RIP Sarin aka Matt. You are the bedrock of Vizsla and the DB as a whole. to Matt's family, I send my personal condolences in your time of grief. He was there for me when I nearly died 8 years ago and we are here for you in your moments of sorrow. You are One with the Force now. May the Force be with you, Always!!!
He will be deeply missed both by the club and me, personally. He was a friend, a mentor, and a good man. I was here for both of his terms as GM. I followed him to Revan, and when I returned to the club, he was the first person to message me, welcoming me back. He was one of the best, and I am a better person for having known him all these years.
"No one's ever really gone."
Luke's words ring true, as Matt's legacy lives on. His influence on each of us, and the memories we will share, keep him alive as he guides us through the force. I only wish I would have been able to help him get that last little bit he needed for his official title before the end. This unique title fits well. Thanks, Mako.
I have known Matt since the EH days before the exodus. I was an ASF pilot and he was big in Avenger Squadron, the dream job of any ASFer... if you know you know. I ended up going to Praetorian Squadron b because my pilot career took another path, but I was always missed the fact that I never served in Avenger. He was a name that I would follow tho. He did become more than a name in the years that followed. When I came back this time and he was looking for a Magistrate, I asked about it and the talks we had about what his vision for Vizsla was going to be, intrigued me. I had a few ideas that I had seen in my years in these clubs and we talked about them and he encouraged me to explore them. I was against becoming a Magistrate, I have spent a lot of time as a house leader, and I really wanted some younger members to experience the road to leadership. He talked me into it and explained that he wanted all of us enjoy our time. I miss sending him a message with a new idea and getting his thoughts. He was always available and never let his honest opinion not be known. I know that I never served with him in RL, but as a former NCO in the Army, I would have loved to have had him as a Commander. In the words of my Navy brethern, Fair Seas and following winds, boss.
I didn't know Matt all that much, but from what I saw of him he was a great guy, and a pillar of inspiration for me and many others in the DJB and Clan Vizsla.
Ret'urcye mhi, Matt. Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la.
I never knew Matt personally, but I have admired his leadership in this club for a very, very long time. This is a devastating loss to our club, of which he has been one of our strongest pillars. My sincerest condolences to everyone this loss has impacted.